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Raw: My Uncensored Thoughts & Feelings

ManiKFox_a_bumblebee_rubber_ducky_floating_in_the_bath_d21454e8-7f10-4069-8379-5188464f594b   make like ducklings and follow me   



Swiftionary:  Cars/Driving & related [B. Meaning 3-Don't Belong]

There are a lot of songs for this Swiftionary entry so I think it’ll get too long if we go over the meanings all in one post as we have for the other words.  I already put them into categories so we’ll do a small series within the series to keep things readable.

Doesn't belong/tourist


--> sidenote:  I was looking for a better word to describe this and wouldn't you know it, a lot of the synonyms are words she's used a lot:  Betrayal, cold, crook, desertion, divorce, Double-cross, faithless, forsake, traitor, etc…

  • Taxi cabs and busy streets that never bring you back to me [Come Back… Be Here/Red]
    • This other person is in flux and doesn't have their own ride.  They're also in a city that has taxis.
  • Call a cab, lose my number [Girl At Home/Red]
    • Taylor doesn't even care enough to give a ride.  She wants this person to find their own way home. 
    • In a place large enough to have cab service.
  • Now I’m in a cab, I tell him where your place is [I Don’t Wanna Live Forever]
    • This person is making Taylor miserable, yet she can't stay away
    • She doesn't belong with this person, yet here she is
  • Bad was the blood of the song in the cab on your first trip to L.A. [Invisible String/folklore]
    • He was hearing one of Taylor's hit songs when he was on the way to visit her
    • He's alone in the car, she didn't pick him up or accompany him
  • Show me a gray sky, a rainy cab ride [London Boy/Lover]
    • These are not desirable things.
    • Taylor is using satire to describe dreary things about London.
    • Touristy
  • From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes, I called a taxi to take me there [You’re On Your Own, Kid/Midnights]
    • Taylor couldn't depend on a ride
    • She had to take the trip into her own hands and arrange for transportation
    • She didn't belong in that small town
  • You crashed my party/ in your rental car [The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived/TTPD]
    • This person doesn't belong at the party, and isn't even from the area.
    • They don't have their own ride.