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Raw: My Uncensored Thoughts & Feelings

ManiKFox_a_bumblebee_rubber_ducky_floating_in_the_bath_d21454e8-7f10-4069-8379-5188464f594b   make like ducklings and follow me   



The Dyatlov Pass incident- The Yeti Theory [Part 5] {7/24/23 WP}

Who or what killed the hikers? 

With the Soviet Union remaining tight-lipped about their investigation, conspiracy theories began to flourish.  Some of the more outlandish ideas — a botched alien abduction, an attack by a mythical yeti, or a fluctuation in gravity — were easier to discount.  But even the more realistic theories just didn’t seem to fit the evidence.


1 The Yeti Theory-



The idea that the group was killed by a Yeti rests on a few pieces of dubious evidence.


The first is a photo taken by one of the doomed hikers which shows a dark humanoid figure seemingly skulking by a tree. But was this a fearsome figure from the annals of cryptozoology, or simply a blurry image of another hiker?

The second item cited by pro-Yeti theorists is a parody newspaper the hikers wrote during the expedition, which contained the line “the Yeti lives in the Northern Urals, near Mount Otorten”.

While this was clearly intended as a joke, other stories in the parody newspaper were exaggerated accounts of things the hikers really did. So, according to this theory, the satirical entry on the Yeti was inspired by a real sighting of the creature which stalked and eventually killed the entire group.

Honestly, it was hard for me to ascertain what photo was supposed to show the yeti. And out of these, I either saw nothing at all, or what looked to be a member of the group. You decide.


No matter, the Yeti seems to rest on water-damaged, black and white photos and a jokey diary entry. I would think the scene would show some sign of the Yeti. Huge footprints? Hair? Drool on things?

Once I went camping with a friend in Tahoe, and her parents put the food in the van. A bear broke the window in the night and there was slobber, food bits, trash, and footprints everywhere! The Dyatlov scene is chaotic, but there doesn’t seem to be evidence of animal activity as far as I can tell. Probably some physical evidence would be left behind from such a large creature.

Unless more evidence surfaces I would say this theory can be chalked up to urban legends that originated with Himalayan Sherpas having a little fun at colonizers’ expense: “They can’t tell a bear from their butthole, amIright??!”