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Raw: My Uncensored Thoughts & Feelings

ManiKFox_a_bumblebee_rubber_ducky_floating_in_the_bath_d21454e8-7f10-4069-8379-5188464f594b   make like ducklings and follow me   



Taylor's Peter:  References & Definitions


Forgive me Peter

My lost fearless leader

In closets like cedar


A. Cedar wood is rot-proof has been used since antiquity: 
  1. To produce ship hulls of precious jewels and even sarcophagi. 
    a. Spineless in my tomb of silence [TGW/3AM]
    b. Building up like waves crashing over my grave [GAS/TPDD]
    c. And you say I abandoned the ship/But I was going down with it/My white knuckle dying grip [SLL/TPDD]
  2. cedar's wood is used for caskets. 
    a … If you wanted me dead, you should've just said [WAOLOM/TTPD]
    b. Two graves, one gun [loml/TTPD]
    c. I'm sorry But the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now/Why? Oh, 'cause she's dead (oh)
  3. The wood repulses woodworms, insects and other creepy-crawlies
    a. so is often used to store seasonal clohtes.  Like cardigans.
  4. In aromatherapy, the essential oil of the tree is used for its healing, antiseptic, astringent and decongestant properties, or just to ward off mosquitoes's%20symbolism.%20Because%20of%20its%20characteristics,of%20nobility%2C%20of%20strength%20and%20of%20incorruptibility.

B. Spiritual meaning of cedar:
  1. Cedar promotes peaceful thoughts & helps to interpret messages from the inner self. 
  2. It is said to store energy and then release it for important healing. 
  3. Celebrated for spiritual protection and its ability to heal and purify.
  4. In ancient times the cedar tree was thought to house important gods 
  5. An entrance to higher realms. 
  6. Cedar has become a symbol of greatness, of nobility, of strength and of incorruptibility. 
    a. In the 3rd century, Origen wrote: "The Cedar never rots; using the cedar to build our homes is to preserve our soul from corruption." 
  7. For Celtic astrology, the cedar symbolizes trust.,ability%20to%20heal%20and%20purify.'s%20symbolism.%20Because%20of%20its%20characteristics,of%20nobility%2C%20of%20strength%20and%20of%20incorruptibility.

Preserved from when we were just kids

Is it something I did

The goddess of timing


A. The ancient Greek religion had at least three gods representing conceptions of time: Chronos, Aion, and Kairos:
  1. Chronos represented empirical time, such as the past, present, and future. 
    a. He was the embodiment of linear time and was associated with the simplest version of time (e.g., the time from one’s birth until now.
    b. Chronos is the length of the year.
  2. Aion represented eternal time. 
    a. He was closely associated with the afterlife, as well as the cyclical nature of certain events (e.g., the seasons)
    b. Aion lives in the cycle of seasons
  3. Kairos was considered the embodiment of opportunist time. Specifically, moments when action must be taken to achieve a task.
    a. Ancients concerned with argument and persuasion often used Kairos as a tool to explain human actions and consequences,
    b. A metaphor when describing opportune actions.
    i. Represents the time when one should take advantage of the weather to plant or harvest

Once found us beguiling


She said she was trying

Peter was she lying

My ribs get the feeling she did

And I didn't want to come down

I thought it was just goodbye for now

You said you were gonna grow up

Then you were gonna come find me


A. One Day David Nicholls's beloved 2009 novel and readaptation by Netflix

It's the early hours of the morning of 15 July, 1988: St Swithin's Day. Dexter and Emma [When Emma Falls in Love/Speak Now TV] don't actually have sex but they hit it off, liking each other more than they're prepared to admit. They decide to spend the day together; "the first day of our properly adult lives" as Emma puts it [In the age of him, she wished she was thirty The Manuscript/The Anthology]. Just as that day is ending and they might be about to tumble into bed again, Dexter's parents turn up, putting an end to any further romance [But Daddy, I Love Him/TTPD].

The pair part but resolve to stay in touch. Then we revisit them on the same date for the next two decades, following them through their highs and lows, watching as the passing years buffet their hopes and dreams but also smooth the edges of hurt and heartbreak. It’s a will-they-won’t-they love story between two friends over two decades. The story is full of tantalizing what-ifs. What if Emma hadn't left her house five seconds before a distraught Dexter called her from a railway station? What if they had actually kissed that summer evening on Primrose Hill? What if, on that one day…

Emma is funny, sarcastic, and occasionally scathing. Self-conscious and underconfident, she's a realistic idealist. Dexter is a charming, good-looking, golden boy, effortlessly breezing through life. Dexter's life seems charmed. He can do no wrong. Coveted TV presenting gigs just fall into his lap. Meanwhile, Emma, an aspiring writer, struggles to get out of first gear, trapped in grinding dead-end jobs and relationships.

From Dexter’s point of view, true love was the one thing remaining in his life after all the mayhem that he chose to put himself through. He realized that the thing that mattered was being with the person that he wanted to be around all the time, which he knew was Emma. He wasn’t seeing it at the time because he was distracted and young.

Emma and Dexter finally get together in Paris . In the following years, Emma and Dex are engaged and planning a wedding, and Emma tells Dex she wants to have a baby [Talking rings and talking cradles loml/TTPD]. The couple also plans to open a Parisian café and has agreed to move in together. However, their dreams are tragically shattered.

→ Don’t worry, I won’t totally spoil it for you!

Basically, the point at the end is getting your life back together, moving on, and moving forward as best as possible.

You said you were gonna grow up

Then you were gonna come find me

Said you were gonna grow up

Then you were gonna come find me

Words from the mouths of babes


A. This expression is a shortening and revision of expressions in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. 

  1. In Psalms 8:2

   Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.

      a. Meaning:

God is so strong and great that He can derive praise even from infants and children. Jesus referred to this verse after He cleansed the temple (Matthew 21:16). The cries of babies—here more generally meaning children—and those still being weaned can bring down the enemy. 

i. Perhaps David had in mind the cry of baby Moses, when Pharaoh's daughter retrieved him from the reeds of the Nile. Exodus 2:6 tells us that when she opened the basket, "she saw the child, and behold, the baby was crying." It was this same child who grew to manhood and was used of God to stand before Pharaoh, the Hebrew's enemy, and command him to let the Hebrews go from Egypt and their slavery there.

God often chooses "what is weak in the world to shame the strong" (1 Corinthians 1:27). Paul echoes some of the same themes in his second letter to the Corinthians. There, he explains how God places His powerful gospel in fragile, limited vessels, for His own glory (2 Corinthians 4:7).


     2. In Matthew 21:16

       And they said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?” And Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read, “‘Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise’?”

         a. Meaning:

          The chief priests and scribes, along with the Pharisees, will grow increasingly furious with Jesus during these last days leading up to the crucifixion. In Matthew's gospel, this is the first confrontation with them during this week but certainly not the last. Right now, the religious leaders are angry with Jesus because some children in the temple who saw Him heal blind and lame people are praising Him. 

The priests and scribes ask Jesus if He hears what the children are saying. They know, of course, that Jesus can hear the children as well as they can. The question is meant to tell Jesus He should stop the children from speaking blasphemy. After all, those words are for the Messiah and, perhaps, for God Himself. Jesus should know that and put an end to it.

Jesus, though, responds with a question back to them. He asks, in essence, if they have never read Psalm 8:2. As with their question to Him, Jesus understands they know the passage well. This was a common Jewish way of making a point. Jesus references a Greek translation of the verse, "Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise." The Hebrew version of the verse translates to "strength" in most English versions, rather than "praise."

Jesus' point is that God is the one who causes children to praise Himself. The fact that Jesus applies this verse to Himself could only infuriate the religious leaders even further. In essence, Jesus is acknowledging that not only is He the Messiah, He is also equivalent with God. He will not stop the children from the praise God has prepared them to give to Him.


promises, oceans deep


But never to keep

Oh, never to keep


Are you still a mind reader?

A natural scene stealer

I've heard great things Peter

But life was always easier on you

Than it was on me

And sometimes it gets me

When crossing your jet stream


A. There are several different jet streams, or jets, around the globe. 

  1. The polar jet is located between the 50°-60° latitude lines in both the northern and southern hemispheres. 
  2. The subtropical jet is located around the 30° latitude line. 

Jet streams vary in height of four to eight miles and can reach speeds of more than 275 mph (239 kts / 442 km/h).

The actual appearance of jet streams result from complex interaction between many variables, such as:

  1. the locations of high and low pressure systems
  2. warm and cold air
  3. seasonal changes. 

They meander around the globe, dipping and rising in altitude/latitude, splitting at times and forming eddies, and even disappearing altogether to reappear somewhere else.

Jet streams also "follow the Sun"  as the Sun's elevation increases each day in the spring, the average latitude of the jet stream shifts poleward. 

  1. By summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the polar jet is typically found near the U.S. Canadian border. 
  2. As Autumn approaches and the Sun's elevation decreases, the jet stream's average latitude moves toward the equator.

Jet streams are often depicted on weather maps by a line indicating the location of the strongest wind. However, jet streams are wider and not as distinct as a single line; they are regions where the wind speed increases toward a central core of greatest strength.

One way of visualizing this is to consider a river. The river's current is generally the strongest in the center, with strength decreasing toward the river's bank. For this reason, it is said that jet streams are "rivers of air".


We both did the best we could do underneath the same moon

In different galaxies

A. Andromeda?

  1. The constellation Cassiopeia is easy to find. Look generally northward on the sky’s dome for a pattern of stars shaped like the letter M or W. If you can recognize the North Star, Polaris – and if you know how to find the Big Dipper – be aware that the Big Dipper and Cassiopeia move around Polaris like the hands of a clock, always opposite each other. Once you’ve found Cassiopeia, look for its star Schedar. In the illustration above, see how Schedar points to the Andromeda galaxy?


And I didn't want to hang around

We said it was just goodbye for now


Words from the mouths of babes

promises, oceans deep

But never to keep

Oh, never to keep

And I won't confess that I waited

But I let the lamp burn

As the men masqueraded


I hoped you'd return

With your feet on the ground

Tell me all that you'd learned

Cause love's never lost when perspective is earned


A. Perspective has a Latin root meaning "look through" or "perceive." 

  1. It's the lens in which you view ALL things in your life. 

   2. Your perspective is shaped unconsciously from your past life experiences
        a. How you were raised
        b. Your values and beliefs 
        c. Messages you received from important people in your life. 

   3. Your perspective directly correlates with how you view: 

        a. Yourself
        b. Those around you
        c. Events that happen in your life

Your perspective can drastically impact how you handle and process different information, your communication style, and how you engage with other people. You may be facing a difficult situation right now that has you anxious, worried, afraid, or even terrified. Your perspective is determining your experience.

Einstein said the most important decision you will ever make is whether you live in a hostile or friendly universe. Perspective creates the environment around you. What you go looking for, you will certainly find.

If you want to change your perspective there are two things you can do:

     1. Examine your beliefs and change your beliefs. Take action.

     2. Choose to learn from those who have a perspective you want to have.

There are myriad ways to learn from those whose perspective you want to adopt. The key is to surround yourself with the people you most admire and want to mimic, speak words that reflect how you feel, and feed your mind positive, good content. 

"Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” - ― Lao Tzu

The point is this: your perspective determines how you are feeling about your experience right now. If you don’t like what you’re feeling, you can change your perspective.


And you said you'd come and get me but you were 25

And the shelf life of those fantasies has expired


A. “shelf life” as the amount of time a specific food or beverage retains a level of quality and safety that makes it fit for consumption.  Time between when you produce an item and when it becomes no longer safe to eat or drink. 

  1. Expiration date on perishable items show when that item poses a biological risk to humans. 

       a. Consuming an item after the expiration date can lead to food poisoning. 

B. When it comes to determining the shelf life of a food product each factor falls into two main categories: 

  1. intrinsic (which are factors inherent to the food itself) 

         *Determined by how a food product is cooked, fermented, or formulated 

                 a. Composition and formulation of the product 
                 b. Raw materials
                 c. Nutrient content
                 d. Sugar levels
                 e. Levels of salt
  1. extrinsic (which are external conditions that the food faces).

          *Determined by packaging and storage of food products 

                 a. The passage of time
                 b. Damage to packaging
                 c. Distribution and environment where the product is sold


Lost to the lost boys chapter of your life

Forgive me Peter, please know that I tried

To hold onto the days when you were mine

But the woman who sits by the window has turned out the light

Chorus x2

Words from the mouths of babes

promises, oceans deep

But never to keep