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Raw: My Uncensored Thoughts & Feelings

ManiKFox_a_bumblebee_rubber_ducky_floating_in_the_bath_d21454e8-7f10-4069-8379-5188464f594b   make like ducklings and follow me   



Taylor Swift Lies/Fibs/Omits/Fabricates (I don't make the rules)

3 mo in London & I didn't leave the rental house for a year

I’m not usually a timeline gal, favoring lyrical analysis over Googling dates and locations trying to find Taylor through the years.  Taylor has a private jet, people-it is difficult to find her! But I’ve been compiling every muse timeline into one document in order to understand better, and have just one place to go for reference.  Anyway, one of the major takeaways I’ve gotten from this exercise is Taylor lies that I’m not so sure Taylor was ever based out of London like she said.

Here’s why I say that (this entry was dated 1/3/2017).


Dec 16, 2016 Taylor was in Missouri:


OK, that adorable act of kindness could have been a charitable one-off. But less than two months prior to the London for 3 months statement we have:

Nov 12, 2016 Taylor goes to a screening of Joe’s movie:

Nov 8, 2016 Taylor votes:

She could have traveled back over the pond for her civic duty… But the day before was definitely for pleasure:

Going back in Nov a little farther, 

Prior to this (and within that 3 month window talked about Jan 3) Taylor was having a fun-time in NYC:

Taylor doesn’t call and tell me where she lives and where she spends most of her time, but as you can see she wasn’t exactly holed-up and isolated in London for 3 months as the entry claims…

The fibs get worse! In her Time magazine interview Taylor says she didn’t leave her rental for a YEAR. Which we just disproved above, but for more of the timeline see:

Taylor actually spoke about this phase of her life with TIME Magazine during her Person of the Year interview, saying (re: Kim Kardashian infamous leaking her call with Kanye West), “That took me down psychologically to a place I’ve never been before. I moved to a foreign country. I didn’t leave a rental house for a year. I was afraid to get on phone calls. I pushed away most people in my life because I didn’t trust anyone anymore. I went down really, really hard.”

Should we be surprised?  We already done knew Taylor will stretch the truth. 

I remind you of Met Gala 2016 and Getaway Car:  




Wait, what??!  Taylor is purportedly very busy at that 2016 Met Gala, but we have mooooorrrreee:


Can we all agree Taylor Swift did not have time to flirt and date all four of these people in the same night?

And She definitely was in the U.S. and out and about a LOT in the 3 months she said she was secretly living with her private new relationship in London. 

And the was seen a TON in 2016 and 2017 when she said she stayed home, out of sight for a year.

Maybe Taylor obscures her timelines for career reasons, and to hide her true muses...  We should not take her words as gospel, that's all I'm saying. So to every timeline dependent on these living in London statements--I'm not sure I buy it.