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Raw: My Uncensored Thoughts & Feelings

ManiKFox_a_bumblebee_rubber_ducky_floating_in_the_bath_d21454e8-7f10-4069-8379-5188464f594b   make like ducklings and follow me   



Swiftionary:  Cars/Driving & related [B. Meaning 10 & 10.5- Comparison]

There are a lot of songs for this Swiftionary entry so I think it’ll get too long if we go over the meanings all in one post as we have for the other words.  I already put them into categories so we’ll do a small series within the series to keep things readable.

Similes and Metaphors


Comparing this person's emotions to what the car is doing

  • Just a boy in a Chevy truck that had a tendency of getting stuck on back roads at night [Tim McGraw/Debut]
    • Associating a person with their vehicle
    • Ulterior motive of orchestrating a make-out session?
  • I drive down different roads but they all lead back to you [The Very First Night/Red]
    • Taylor has tried different things, dated different people, but can't match the spark she has with this person.
  • That nothing safe is worth the drive and I would follow you, follow you home [Treacherous/Red]
    • Taylor is tired of the safe boys she's dated-they're not even worth the trouble. 
    • She wants to feel something, and would follow this person.
  • It’s 2 AM in your car, windows down, you pass my street, the memories start [I Wish You Would/1989]
    • When they drive past a landmark, Taylor is reminded of problems the two of them had in the past
    • Taylor associates passing her street w/their fight, and her own feelings
    • Taylor's street symbolizes Taylor's feelings
  • Think about the place where you first met me, in a getaway car [Getaway Car/Reputation]
    • Escaping other things is the crux of their relationship--it's not a great long-term plan
    • Taylor is a flight risk in the relationship like the car is escaping things
  • We’re riding in a getaway car, there were sirens in the beat of your heart [Getaway Car/Reputation]
    • The car is taking them away from obligations, but the sirens are slowing down the romance, pulling it over
    • This other person is slowing down the relationship out of fear and reluctance
  • You Midas touch on the Chevy door [Champagne Problems/evermore]
    • Midas is fake, this person is fake
    • The Chevy is from Big Sur and the Delicate music video so ties these 3 songs and that person
  • Time flies, messy as the mud on your truck tires [‘Tis The Damn Season/evermore]
    • Speaks to rural living, harkens back to Taylor's country songs. 
    • This person is a bit rough and tumble
    • The love is not organized or picture perfect.
  • Like waiting for a bus that never shows, you just start walking on [Hits Different/Midnights]
    • A feeling of waiting so long that you lose hope and just leave
  • And this city reeks of driving myself crazy [Florida/TTPD]
    • Driving as in crazy, not cars
    • Taylor overthinks, and the city keeps reminding her of bad/sad times

state of the relationship to what the car is doing

  • Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead-end street [Red/Red]
    • New fancy speedy car and all the excitement to try it out. But there is no room to really go for it. 
    • Ride ends before it begins. It's a disappointment.
    • This love is exciting, but induces anxiety in Taylor
  • Long drive, could end in burning flames or paradise [Style/1989]
    • The trip away from others, has an unknown ending.  It might be perfect, or it might end in disaster.
  • You say it’s in the past, you drive straight ahead [I Wish You Would/1989]
    • Neither one of them has really talked about these past problems. 
    • Taylor never told the person her feelings.  The person doesn't want to discuss past events.
  • I’m standing on the sidewalk alone, I wait for you to drive by [Say Don’t Go/1989]
    • Taylor is all caught up, but this person acts indifferent.
  • I can tell that it's gonna be a long road [New Years Day/Reputation]
    • Is it romantic, like she knows it’ll last forever
    • Or is it cynical, like this is going to be a tough and strenuous journey
  • Like waiting for a bus that never shows, you just start walking on [Hits Different/Midnights]
    • A feeling of waiting so long that you lose hope and just leave