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Raw: My Uncensored Thoughts & Feelings

ManiKFox_a_bumblebee_rubber_ducky_floating_in_the_bath_d21454e8-7f10-4069-8379-5188464f594b   make like ducklings and follow me   



Now What??! Blogging Emergency

I'm here at HubSpot because WordPress limited the number of pics/snips I could have and my blog as I knew it was dead in the water. After a LOT of research into many blogging and web platforms I found HubSpot for free. I liked a lot about it:

  • FREE (the biggest constraint)
  • I could customize the main page and colors and stuff.
  • There was a word doc editor right on the post.
  • Allowance of all the pics I would need.
  • Really a large amount of space (see Taylor Muse Timeline) that was the best thing ever!
  • Ability for followers to subscribe.
  • Ability to link to social media.

BUT what they did not make clear to me in the beginning, was I am only allotted 100 blog posts in the free version. Today I hit that barrier and now I don't know what my options are for a free unlimited blog with a decent amount of images allowed (or ability to purchase more pics a la cart).


Who has ideas for where to go from here?