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Raw: My Uncensored Thoughts & Feelings

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ALL Taylor Swift Private Muse Timelines in one Place [Updated 9/15/24]

Most of this is a straight C&P from the official publicly available master-posts.  And took snips to pics wouldn't disappear as people cleaned their SM. I tried to replace any unlabeled pieces of evidence with a news article or dated post to substantiate it, and add credibility.  If you have more specific info, please put it in the comments!  Most of this is not my research or work, I collated(?) compiled it in one place as a master master-reference.  Thank you to all the original researchers that provided me with a starting point to further research. I thought it would be impactful if all of the master timelines were in one place.

HubSpot is AWESOME for allowing such a large amount of data (this is backed up tho)!



Sorry, sources!  It’s probable that I missed someone, in this overwhelming amount of material.  If I have your work in here, let me know and I’ll add you to the sources.


If I missed a piece of information for the timeline, please send me a news article, pic, SM post, or something from a credible source.  I’d like to try to keep the info in here dated at least so don’t crop any dates out when sending.


I’ve included muses that I know about, but there might be some I’m missing (see item above).  I think this timeline includes:  Emily Poe, Julianne Hough, Emma Stone, Liz Huett, Dianna Agron, Karlie Kloss, Cara Delevingne, Ruby Rose, Lily Donaldson, Zoe Kravitz…  I’ve also included some particularly queer moments, but not all (that would make this timeline a million pages long).  I’ve tried to exclude all men from this timeline, putting their info in the PUBLIC timeline instead:

I did retain any start and end dates for the men just for context.  I kept things that could have been outwardly stated to be about a man, but may actually be for one of the female muses (exp:  All Too Well).


I’ve tried to be intentional about not qualifying any of the muse relationships (crush, FWB, relationship, rebound, fuck-buddy, LTGF) because I just don’t have enough information to know for sure. I also tried hard not to show preference to any “ship” though unconscious bias is a thing.



Every Muse Masterpost in One Place


22 July 2006 excerpt from Taylor’s Myspace journal:

The Road

Current mood: determined

Emily’s my fiddle player, she’s 21 and absolutely adorable. And it’s awesome, after every show there’s always a little group of people wanting her autograph. haha. She’s THAT good. We like to be absolutely stupid and take pictures reflecting just that.

24 July 2006: cheeky/flirty intro for Emily:

12 Jan 2007 excerpt from Taylor’s Myspace journal:

On Tour With George Strait = FUN


So basically I’m having the time of my life. The first George Strait show was SO AWESOME... So, I’m pretty sure the highlight of my night last night (the first show of the tour, in Lafayette, LA) was that……… Pretty sure George Strait SAID MY NAME. Me and Emily (my fiddle player) and Megan (she travels with us and is 23 and handles basically everything) were watching George’s show.. and all of a sudden he says “I’m very happy to have the talented Miss Taylor Swift out here with us”. YESSSSS. It was pretty awesome, sort of a life changing moment. ha… So life on the road is awesome. For me, it contains mainly crime-solving shows such as CSI and Law and Order SVU, making sandwiches, going running at local gyms, Emily and I trying to figure out how to use the complicated gym equipment, Emily and I eventually completely giving up and accepting the fact that we will never know how to use anything in a gym except a treadmill… 

17 Jan 2007 excerpt from Taylor’s Myspace journal:

New Video Shoot “Teardrops On My Guitar” and GOLDDDDD

Heyy guys,

So I had another video shoot yesterday, it was AWESOME... We shot a bunch of different scenes at the high school, in different classrooms and in the hallways, so we needed extras… So I decided to use people I knew as the extras! And since it was shot at a high school, I got to use my friends as extras!! So y'all might be able to pick out some of the people in my video from my top 8– Abigail, Kathryn, Kelsey, Ally, Emily, Megan… All in it. My little brother, Austin, is in it too, same with my cousin. ha. It was so much fun… By the way, MY ALBUM IS CERTIFIED GOLLLLLLLDDDDDDD. AND “Tim McGraw”, as of today is Top 5!

12 Feb 2007 excerpt from Taylor’s Myspace journal:

More from the road..

…So, on the bus– Megan, Emily, and I are still obsessed with Grey’s Anatomy dvds. We watch two episodes every night. It’s a ritual. But the thing is, we were late bloomers when it comes to Grey’s Anatomy.. So we’re still on Season 2. So we’re at the point where the bomb was in the hospital, and all of that. Do not– I repeat, DO NOT tell us anything about what’s about to happen in episodes to come. That’s completely against the rules. haha. 

So my new video for Teardrops On My Guitar premiered on GAC a few days ago, and I believe its premiering on CMT on Thursday during the Top 20 Countdown. …And thank you to everyone who’s been voting for me on for the CMT Music Awards!!! I’m so excited, I think to the awards.. I’m going to wear a gold dress. Because my album just went gold.. I was thinking about colors and then it just hit me. I think gold is my new favorite color right now. haha. You all are so amazing, and I just want you to know that I appreciate you. I really really do.


3 June 2007 I Love You Emily, video

31 Oct 2007 Taylor and Emily Halloween:

 2 November 2007 excerpt from Taylor’s Myspace journal:

Pranking Rodney and CMA dresses < 3

Hey! I’m sitting in my bus in San Antonio and I think this is possibly the prettiest day ever... Last night, there was some major pranking that went on… We decided to get Rodney. Out of love. And thought it would be best for Emily and I to dress up as devils and run out onstage during “If You’re Going Through Hell”. How everyone in my band ended up onstage in the most freak-show-esque costumes I’ve ever seen, I don’t know.. But it happened. All the guys dressed up as women. Big women. We had all these blow up inflatable costumes in our tour bus, and everyone dressed up. They all looked like huge balloon people. And the look on Rodney’s face was PRICELESS. Loved it. I took a picture of Rodney and I while we were onstage (he was actually singing when I took the picture). Go check it out.

7 November 2007  CMAs (Last performance with Emily as part of the band):

5 December 2007 excerpt from Taylor’s Myspace journal:

One week and counting til it’s someone’s birthday….. And now I want you to direct your attention to my default picture (and no, I did not photoshop her in). It’s Colbie Caillat!! She was doing a show in Nashville and I just happened to be in town, so we got together and wrote a killer song. It’s really cool, and I can’t wait for you to hear it. She’s gonna record backup vocals on it for my new album. (They’ll be really loud back up vocals, because she has an incredibly awesome voice and I want it to be turned wayyyy up) We have so much in common, and she’s now officially number 1 on my cool people list. I’m just kidding.. I don’t actually have a cool people list. But if I did, she would be number 1…

13 December 2007 Emily attends Taylor’s 18th birthday party:

16 July 2008 I’m Only Me When I’m With You video release:

11 November 2008 Fearless (and Breathe) is released:

Dec 2007 Taylor meets Julianne at a party

according to this quote posted by OK! Magazine (written on December 24, 2008):

5 Feb 20018 Taylor writes about Liz Huett, a white rabbit, and aliens:


Dance Wars and photo shoots with rabbits.

I just finished playing on the show Dance War, and I’m out in LA in my hotel room. Today was so much fun! …All the contestants were so cool and were all at my dress rehearsal and sound check. At that point, I realized I actually know one of them! Elizabeth Huett is on Carrie Ann’s team on Dance War, and she’s been at a few of my shows! Whenever I’d talk to her in the meet and greet lines, she’d tell me about how bad she wanted to be a singer and ask for advice. It sounds strange, but there was always something different about her that stuck out in my mind. I’m SO proud of her and I hope she gets everything she’s dreaming of, because she’s a sweet heart!
So, there’s a 4-page spread and article in Entertainment Weekly magazine this week on me. …My favorite shot is the table of contents picture where I’m holding a white rabbit (yes, a live white rabbit) and looking up towards the sky like I’m about to be abducted by aliens…


27 April 2008: Taylor and Emma Stone meet at Hollywood Life magazine's Young Hollywood Awards.

8 September 2008 Taylor publicly meets Julianne while co-hosting the CMAs with Kellie Pickler:

10 February 2009 - Liz’s first performance with Taylor and the Agency is at the San Antonio Rodeo. 

5 March 2009 A cardigan makes an appearance in Taylor’s Vlog:

12 April 2009 Liz OFFICIALLY joins the band 

Taylor makes a MySpace post to announce it where she says there was “always something different about her.”

7 May 2009 - Fearless Tour in London:

Taylor makes a MySpace post where she implies her and Liz have been sharing a room (if not a bed):

Also 5/7/09 Taylor and Liz visit Saint Paul’s Cathedral:


8 May 2009 check Taylor’s shirt (see 11/18/12 & ):


30 July 2009 Taylor and Taylor Lautner are papped filming Valentine’s Day together:

24 August 2009 Taylor is papped shopping with Liz and Caitlin in London:

27 August 2009 Taylor gets dinner with The Agency:

6 September 2009 - Liz gets sick. 


Taylor writes a giant MySpace post about how much she misses her:

24 October 2009 Katy Perry’s paint party, they attend together and have a tweet exchange afterwards: 

27 October 2009: Taylor and Selena have dinner together, Julianne ends up crashing it, tweet follows: 

Then invites Taylor out:


29 October 2009 Taylor films the infamous Roomies Sketch for SNL (New York):


Roomies sketch vs. TayLiz:



Gossip and speculation ensue:

November/December 2009 Dianna was spending a lot of time in Long Island while filming “The Romantics” with Adam Brody:

ADAM is the liner note hint for Enchanted. 

SAG is the liner note hint for Red, which could be referencing Sag Harbor in Long Island. 

The Glee cast were signing CDs at two Maserati dealerships within 15 miles of Garden city and about an hour and a half west of Sag Harbor.

The lyrics in Red ‘Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street, Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly’.‘Took off faster than a green light go’ (Holy Ground) is consistent with comparing their relationship to driving ‘faster than the wind.’ (Red)

1 November 2009 Taylor and Liz go to Paramore concert in Nashville and dance together:

11 November 2009 Julianne congratulates Taylor after some award show:

12 November 2009: Taylor and Julianne have a movie night

18 November 2009 TayLiz are papped in London returning to their hotel at midnight:

21 November 2009 Taylor and Liz go shopping and get lunch with Caitlin and Andrea at Portobello Market:

9 December 2009 Taylor goes on an ice cream date with Emma Stone in New York:


After connecting over email (note that this is the same story she tells about who she wrote Enchanted about -- connecting over e-mail and then meeting in person in NYC). 

13 December 2009 a backup dancer on the Fearless tour came out at Taylor’s b-day party:

There aren't a lot of out gay country music artists. The first time Brandon Stansell came out publicly was at Taylor Swift's birthday party 10 years ago. "I was dancing on Taylor Swift's Fearless tour," says Stansell, 33. He was also juggling his studies as a senior at the conservative Belmont College in Nashville. He wasn't out there, and he wasn't out to his conservative parents. But he had found a support system for the first time. "I had queer friends in my life," he says. "And I had a boyfriend."

He brought his boyfriend to Swift's birthday party, at the Las Vegas stop of the tour. I said, 'Oh, and by the way, this is my boyfriend.' And she says, 'Uh, I should have known you had a hot boyfriend!' " It was a relief for Stansell—and an inspiration. "It was nerve wracking because she was my sole financial support," he says. "I think people had kind of guessed that I was queer but then it was suddenly okay. Because it came from the boss lady: 'This is okay.'"


Also 12/13/09 Taylor and Taylor “break up”:

24 December 2009 Taylor and Julianne are caught by a fan shopping together at Walmart:

30 December 2009 Taylor Tweets Julianne:


31 December 2009 Taylor Julianne and a friend named Lily all go to the spa together

9 January 2010 Taylor and Liz attend a housewarming party together:

19 January 2010 TayLiz and Caitlin hang out:

23 January 2010 TayLiz and Caitlin get on a plane to get back on tour:

25 January 2010 Taylor films something with The Agency and there are a lot of laughs:

27 January 2010 Taylor and Julianne go to the same cancer research event:

6 February 2010 Taylor gets papped shopping in Sydney, Australia with Liz and Caitlin:

9 February 2010 TayLiz and Caitlin get papped getting frozen yogurt: 

Taylor is wearing a moon necklace, something Stevie Nicks is known to give out to friends and family. Could Stevie have perhaps given Taylor a necklace during their Grammy rehearsals?

Also 2/9/10 (based on outfits) Taylor, Liz, and her group go to St. Kilda Beach in Melbourne, Australia:

10 February 2010 Taylor takes Liz as her date to go watch Valentine’s Day together in theaters:

22 February 2010 Taylor tells Myspace the origin of Liz, and about traveling as a band:

Just got back from some cool places…(photo blog)

Hi guys :)

We just got back from Australia and Japan.

I met Liz in a meet and greet line a few years ago. Now she’s my back up singer. And we have FUN!

28 February 2010 Taylor posts a vlog detailing the touring:

In this vlog, Liz is seen wearing the same moon necklace that Taylor was papped wearing earlier? Could Taylor have given it to Liz since she’s a big Stevie Nicks fan?

3 April 2010 Liz tweets at Taylor with an inside joke about a quick change room:

7 April 2010 Taylor makes a joke about Liz on Twitter:

12 April 2010 Julianne goes to Taylor’s show at the Staples Center in LA:

15 April 2010 Taylor and Liz and Caitlin are papped shopping together:

16 April 2010 TayLiz are papped shopping together in Beverly Hills:

4 May 2010 Liz and Caitlin attend the Time 100 most influential people gala with Taylor:

27 May 2010 Liz’s birthday:

Taylor attends her party. We know this because a BUNCH of Liz’s friends tweet about it:

June 2010 Taylor, her family, and her band all go to the Bahamas together on vacation:

4 July 2010 Taylor and Liz decorate each other with stars for the 4th:

17 September 2010 Taylor attends the Easy A premiere with Emma in Los Angeles:

18 September 2010 Tayor and Liz and Andrea go to a wedding and take photos in the photo booth:

October 2010 Taylor writes All Too Well:

5 October 2010 Speak Now is released as a single. 

Also 10/5/10 Liz tweets about the Speak Now release and calls Taylor “Tay” again:

Also 10/5/10 Glamour releases an interview with Taylor where she says Liz and Caitlin have their own rooms in her Nashville apartment:

21 October 2010 Mean is released as a single (see 5/13/11). 

Also 10/21/10 Liz tweets about it, calls Taylor “Tay” yet again:

23 October 2010 Emma Stone hosts SNL:

Both Taylor and Jake G show up to support her, supposedly they’ve already started dating at this point and this was their first public appearance together.

25 October 2010 Speak Now is released:

22 November 2010 Taylor attends the American Music Awards and wins Favorite Female Country Artist:

27 November 2010 Taylor and Jake are spotted in a coffee house in Nashville:

Also 11/27/10 Does Liz sub-Tweet about it?

29 November 2010 TayLiz hang out and Liz tweets about it: 

Perhaps to make up for the lack of time spent together since they both got boyfriends.

1 December 2010 Liz tweets about watching Glee:

[Meaning she’s the one who got Taylor hooked on the show and therefore interested in Dianna. Hilarious.]


13 December 2010 Taylor turns 21: 


Liz and Caitlin bring her a pizza. Liz tweets at Taylor that she’s changed her life. 



This is supposedly the birthday that Jake didn’t show up to that The Moment I Knew is about.

31 December 2010 Taylor and Liz spotted at Pei Wei in Nashville:


JustJared calls Liz a “gal pal.” Taylor seems upset, possibly about her whole Jake birthday thing. Or possibly something else.  

1 January 2011 Taylor’s and Jake G,break up there’s an article about their split on the 4th


February 2011 Emily gets engaged:


Also 2/2011 The first draft of the All Too Well lyrics are written in the Lover diaries: 


Many people have theorized this means All Too Well is about Emily. 



Taylor told USA Today in October 2012:  Chronologically, the album began with All Too Well, a song she wrote almost two years ago with Liz Rose, one of her earliest and most regular co-writers. The song came after a six-month writing drought that followed a particularly toxic relationship.


Taylor goes to Liz Rose for help with All Too Well-


When we did ‘All Too Well,’ I hadn’t heard from her in awhile. She hadn’t really been writing. I was in Nashville one day, slowly moving the last bits of junk out of my garage so I could move to Dallas. My house had already sold, so I had to come back and clean it out. I had a trailer and four guys helping me, and I was sick with some kind of sinus infection. It was just the worst day. I was in my driveway and my phone rings, and it’s Taylor saying, ‘Man, I’ve got this thing and I really need you to help me with it. Can you write today? What are you doing today?’ So I gave those guys the keys to my storage place, told them to put all my stuff into storage and drove over to Taylor’s.

9 February 2011 Speak Now tour kicks off in Singapore, and Taylor and Liz take photos with fans in Chinatown:

19 March 2011 Taylor cuts Liz’s hair. Liz tweets about it:

21 March 2011 TayLiz are papped in London getting dinner at Benihana and looking cozy:  



21 March 2011 Taylor is papped wearing one of Dianna’s dresses and the key necklace:

25 March 2011 Speak Now in Belfast, Ireland. Taylor and Liz get CLOSE during BTR: 

→ Fun fact: Liz’s voice is the voicemail that starts the live performance of Better Than Revenge


28 March 2011 Taylor, Liz, and friends go to the Katy Perry Concert:

1 April 2011 Taylor tweets a joke about Liz:

4 April 2011 Taylor wins Best Entertainer at the ACMAs. Liz tweets about it: 

5 April 2011 Taylor goes on Jay Leno and talks about cutting Liz’s hair:

Interestingly enough, she calls her a “hipster.” (Indie record that’s much cooler than mine tease?) 

7 April 2011 Taylor covers White Blank Page by Mumford and Sons:

Or was trying to get Dianna Agron’s attention by wearing the same dress she wore on Glee and singing a song by a band she likes.

23 April 2011 Talor and yLiz get coffee: 

25 April 2011 Taylor sends Liz an Easter card: 

2 May 2011 Taylor attends the Met Gala.  So do Dianna, Lea Michelle, and Karlie Kloss:


Also 5/2/11 Taylor is  interviewed by the New Yorker: 

One particular piece of this article stands out to me for how lowkey gay it sounds:

“That’s Charity, who’s one of my best friends,” Swift said. She is especially close with Liz Huett, a backup singer, and Caitlin Evanson, her violinist. The three share a dressing room, and, when I was there, they were all lying on a couch with their legs draped over one another. 

13 May 2011 Taylor shows that she knows the significance of lavender to the queer community:


She signals the boy is queer with a lavender sweater-


19 May 2011 Speak Now in Madrid. Taylor cooks dinner for Liz:

21 May 2011 Speak Now in Nashville:   


That night, we get the first ever recorded evidence of the “boob grab” during Better Than Revenge, when Liz pushes Taylor by her chest during the line “pushing people down:”  


27 May 2011 Liz’s birthday: 

Also 5/27/11 Liz releases So Easy:

It’s giving ‘Not Dianna’ (see 22 June 2020)

28 May 2011 Speak Now in Omaha:

Taylor’s arm lyrics say “I recommend getting your heart trampled on to anyone” and are from Alanis Morisette’s song “You Learn.

Also 5/28/11 Liz tweets that Taylor is rare and beautiful:

29 May 2011 Speak Now in Des Moines: 

Taylor’s arm lyrics say “Cinderella said to Snow White ‘How did love get so off course?'” from Faith Hill’s song “This Kiss.

She also covers Jack and Diane and I Want You Back, the latter of which is put on the Speak Now Tour CD, signaling to me that it’s important to her in some way. Maybe because she wants a certain someone back...

11 June 2011 Speak Now in Detroit. While Taylor is in the city, she does an interview with the New Yorker:


“In Detroit, Swift seemed somewhat melancholy. Once in a while, I had the feeling that she was on the verge of bursting into tears. She said that she had recently decided that life is “about achieving contentment. . . . You’re not always going to be ridiculously happy.” She had written about ten songs so far for her next album [i counted 8].  Asked to characterize them, she said, “They’re sad? If I’m being honest.” The most recent one, she said, “is about moving on.

11 June 2011 Dianna wears the “Likes Girls” t-shirt during a live Glee performance:


Also 6/11/11 the boob grab happens a third time:

13 June 2011 Dianna writes an essay explaining the “likes girls” tshirt:


26 June 2011 Night two at Gillette:


The boob grab happens for a fifth time, finally cementing it in the Better Than Revenge choreography for all shows to come:


30 June 2011 Taylor makes a MySpace post about having a perfect day and the Rain Show: 


She also says she’s been writing a LOT, which fits with that interview where she said she’d already written eight songs for the album.

17 July 2011 Liz drives around with Taylor and her friend Chae:


They seem to be trying to cheer her up after her assumed breakup with Jason:

16 August 2011 Taylor goes on a Girls Trip to Charleston with Liz, Caitlin, and a few other friends:

Now, in a birthday post years down the line, Liz would reveal that Taylor specifically planned this trip because Liz was having a good time (We’ll get there in Late-Stage TayLiz). This feels like healing breakup blues to me.

Also on 8/16/11 Liz tweets about possibly sharing a bed with Taylor again:

18 August 2011 Liz tweets about Taylor healing her heartbreak blues:

22 August 2011 Taylor posts “The Charleston Photo blog” on MySpace: 

23 August 2011 Liz quote tweets Taylor about the Charleston photo blog:

5 September 2011 Taylor and Dianna Agron publicly meet for the first time at the Fairfax Flea Market:


Introduced by mutual friend Ashley, who was working for Dianna’s hairstylist at the time. Considering all the mess going on with Liz, it’s possible Ashley (among Taylor’s other friends) were looking to introduce her to someone else.


8 September 2011 Taylor diaries about writing Red the previous day and then recording it:

13 September 2011 Rodarte show at NY Fashion Week:

Also 9/13/11 Taylor is interviewed by Vogue while there:

She says there’s “just been this earth-shattering, not recent, but absolute crash and burn heartbreak” and that that’s what the next album is about. This really makes me think TayLiz breaks up IMMEDIATELY again after Charleston. Taylor also gives these four things she’s learned about love and life recently:

[reads like Jake shade to me]

19 September 2011 Liz performs Jenny Turn Around with Tyler Hilton after Speak Now in Nashville:

16 October 2011 Taylor recommends Liz’s YouTube channel and she gets an influx of subscribers:

27 October 2011 Pop Up Video throws shade about the Emily Poe departure:


31 October 2011 Liz tweets about getting married: 

8 November 2011 Taylor and Liz have a “soul feeding time” together:

9 November 2011 Taylor posts a wedding dress train picture to IG with the caption “Dress train…”:

31 October 2011 Taylor posts a photo of her, Liz, and Caitlin on Instagram:

18 November 2011 Speak Now in Columbia South Carolina:

Arm Lyrics: “Where would we be today, if I never drove that car away?” These are from the song “Don’t Think About It” by Darius Rucker

The lines before this go:

When we make choices we got to live with them/Heard you found a real good man and you married him/I wonder if sometimes I cross your mind/Where would we be today/If I never drove that car away?

To me, this plus the dress train pictures reads as Taylor’s reaction to Emily getting married the following day.

19 November 2011 Emily gets married


I know this is totally creepy, but the internet has been wiped and privatized of primary sources for Emily Poe’s private life.


Also 11/19/11 TayLiz are papped leaving a restaurant in London:

27 November 2011 CMT Awards in Nashville. Taylor arrives with Liz and others:


12 December 2011 Taylor shoots her vogue cover where she cuts her bangs at the Bowery Hotel:



Her band (including Liz) comes to support her.

Her and Liz take a photo with their matching hair:  

13 December 2011 Taylor’s birthday:

1 January 2012 Liz tweets at Taylor about “dancing round the kitchen” because she knows All Too Well is about her:


16 January 2012 Dustin Tavella tweets about hanging out with Charity, Taylor, Liz, and another friend:


17 January 2012 Taylor’s Vogue cover comes out: 


It all started when Taylor appeared on the February 2012 cover of Vogue. Taylor looked radiant and gave a charming interview, as always. She happened to see a picture of Kloss during the interview and said, “I love Karlie Kloss…I want to bake cookies with her!” Because, obviously, who wouldn’t want to bake cookies with Karlie?

Also 1/17/12 Dianna and Karlie both tweet at her:


21-23 January 2012 Taylor and Liz both attended Sundance:


Liz makes a tweet referencing “beautiful magic” (Sad Beautiful Tragic?) about Sundance:

24 February 2012 Dianna and Taylor attend the same Pre-Oscars party:

1 March 2012 Taylor posts on Instagram from Australia:


Caption: “First show in beautiful Perth = tonight!”:

4 March 2012 Taylor tweets about Liz annoying her with Corn Nuts:

Also 3/4/12 Dianna does a photoshoot with Ashley and Claire, implying she’s fully in Taylor’s friendship circle:

12 March 2012 Taylor and her dancers to St. Kilda (an obvious favorite spot-see 2/9/10):



13 March 2012 Dianna tweets about how happy she is:

14 March 2012 Taylor posts a picture of Liz, Caitlin, and Claire in fan-made t-shirts:

25 March 2012 Taylor and Dianna have lunch at Unami Burger Restaurant and see Hunger Games Together (Sunday Matinee) and speculated to be their first publicly discovered date: 


Taylor follows Dianna on Twitter afterwards:

27 March 2012 Liz tweets this:

30 March 2012 Taylor introduces Dianna to her mom, they all get dinner together:

31 March 2012 Taylor and Harry meet at the Kid’s Choice Awards:


As the story goes, Swift and Styles met backstage at the 2012 Kids' Choice Awards, where Taylor and her pal Selena Gomez danced and sang along as Styles and his One Direction bandmates performed their hit "What Makes You Beautiful" during the show, as reported by MTV News.

Also 3/31/12 This guy tweets a bunch proving that Taylor was at Dianna’s house party after the 2012 Kids’ Choice Awards:




12 April 2012 Dianna blows a kiss to Taylor when asked about her on Jimmy Kimmel:

18 April 2012 Mutual friend Chantelle tweets that she spent the night and early morning hanging out with TayLiz:


Chantelle will post a picture of her, Taylor and Liz hanging out in a kitchen together almost a year later -- when the girls don’t seem to be on speaking terms -- making me think this picture was taken on this night-


23 April 2012 Taylor posts a picture of the LOVE ring, which the Red ring is later based on:


Trying to subtly show off the ring she’s wearing on the fourth finger of her left hand. There have long been rumors that Dianna proposed to Taylor. Ones she seemed to confirm in LWYMMD with the ring box in the Cat Bandit vault, with the rejected proposal in ME! and Bejeweled and the lyrics of several songs

24 April 2012 Shirley Mclaine’s Birthday:


Random.  Honestly it looks like a wedding/reception to me…

25 April 2012 The next day Dianna tweets “Let's Dance”:

27 April 2012 Taylor and someone (possibly Liz) are papped getting lunch together in LA:


The secret message for the song “The Last Time,” which will be written in a few months, is “LA On Your Break.” They’re certainly in LA, and the tour is certainly on break. Perhaps this is Taylor finally ending things with Liz.


Also 4/27/12 Liz tweets at Taylor about Skittles later that day, making me think it was her at lunch:

28 April 2012 Dianna’s birthday party: 

It’s a circus-theme:  Dianna dresses as a 1920s flapper, Taylor dresses as a tiger and leaves a note on the door with a joke they’d made that reads  “I’m a little kitten and I need to nurse because I’m a runt and I’m likely to fall victim to predators.”


Dianna’s bathroom door became a message board for the party-goers-

It says:  “I’m a little kitten and I need to nurse because i’m a runt and I’m likely to fall victim to predators”


10 May 2012 Taylor posts on Instagram “Going back to Nashville. Thinking about the whole thing. Guess you gotta run sometimes.”:

This is from the song Nashville by David Mead. Other interesting lyrics include:

You’re a distant memory, you’re an exit sign

I was talking crazy on the driver’s side

I was talking crazy on the driver’s side

I will always love you like a long goodbye



15 May 2012 Taylor finishes writing Everything Has Changed with Ed Sheeran:


Then gets dinner with Dianna Ashley and Claire. The original lyrics of Everything Has Changed talk about “falling for a Gemini,” which describes Gemini Liz, but Taylor seems to have re-fitted the song to be about Dianna and removed those lyrics.


27 May 2012 Liz’s birthday. Taylor does not tweet at her. No pictures are posted of the party, if there is one.

28 May 2012 Taylor and Ed record Everything Has Changed:

Late May 2012 Taylor writes The Last Time:


According to rumor, Liz is about to be let go from The Agency due to getting “out of control,” and the songs she writes this summer, including Wreck of Who I Am, definitely seem to imply she was trying to claw her way out of a spiral here. When I listen to The Last Time through this lens, it feels more like a last chance, pleading for intervention.

3 June 2012 Dianna jokes at the GLAAD Awards about having kissed girls before:

10 June 2012 Taylor diaries about recording 22, and IKYWT, says she’s already written WANEGBT:

Martin and Shellback are credited on three songs on red -- WANEGBT, IKYWT, and 22. We know Taylor wrote 22 here. She also says she “came back to trouble.” From that I can assume they were trying to write IKYWT when this story took place.

The secret message for WANEGBT is “When I stopped caring what you thought.” To me, this really signals things have broken down between them.



4 July 2012 Taylor takes a trip to Hyannis port with Dianna:

Also 7/4/12 Taylor (AND HER FRIEND DIANNA) are invited to the Kennedy compound for Independence Day:


Also 7/4/12 change of bearding plans with the Kennedy family?


By Staff

Taylor Swift's fairytale romance with Conor Kennedy may have hit a road bump, because Star magazine is exclusively reporting that a source claims the Fearless singer was making out with Conor's cousin — Patrick Schwarzenegger

According to the magazine, Taylor secretly made out with Patrick at a family event she attended with Conor, and the family is up in arms over it, calling her a "hanger-on" who has an obsession with the Kennedys. "Taylor was making out with Patrick all night," a source told Star about the party. Taylor's rep denies the claim. "The previous day, she was all over Conor, so she hooked up with two cousins on consecutive nights!" "Taylor and Patrick weren't kissing out in the open, but she wasn't being as subtle as she thought she was," the source says. "Conor doesn't know, but everyone else in the family does." While Taylor adores Caroline and Ethel Kennedy, the insider says they don't care for the singer.


8 July 2012 Taylor takes pictures with a fan at a coffee shop (presumably in Nashville): 



According to the fan’s account, Liz was also there, sitting at the table behind them. The fan ends up taking pictures with both Liz and Taylor-

Also 7/8/12 We know from fan accounts that Liz thought she was going to be coming on the Red Tour until she was let go from The Agency in September:



24 July 2012 Conor Kennedy’s 18th birthday:


Is this why there is cross-bearding with different Kennedy guys?



25 July 2012 Taylor and Conor go on first official public date:


July 2012 Taylor dresses like a 1950s housewife:

The 1950s Housewife

In 1947 designer Christian Dior launched his Spring/Summer collection that would be coined as the “New Look”. The New Look is remembered for the nipped-in waist and full skirt. Its innovation was found to be attention grabbing specifically for conceptualizing an elegant appearance for the modern woman. Every appearance made by Taylor included dresses and skirts in Dior's image. Even if she was just grabbing coffee it looked like she had stepped out of a Good Housekeeping magazine from 1954. And this image was not exclusively for formal wear. Like all 1950s housewives of the time Taylor incorporated this look into her everyday attire. Everyday every ensemble was feminine and fun. Staying in line with the era  Swift kept accessories to a minimum.  All outfits were accompanied by a headscarf, pearls, or a belt to further accentuate the already cinched waist. 

Taylor wears Dianna’s Glee wardrobe dresses-

For twinning see (7/25/12; 2/5/15; 1/31/20; 10/24/23)


31 July 2012 An LLC with offices in NYC and Nashville purchases 27 Merchant Ave property:


Taylor is rumored to be the buyer.

1 August 2012 the first article calling Taylor and Conor an official couple is released:

3 August 2012 Lily was one of a few models featured in the Midas Touch segment of the 2012 Olympics closing ceremony:

BRITAIN's leading supermodels teamed up with the country's brightest design stars in the September issue of Vogue for one of the magazine's all-time most exciting and glamorous photoshoots, Midas Touch, part of the London 2012 Closing Ceremony. Vogue was asked to commission a set of pictures featuring the work of the British design luminaries - the result? A glittering fashion story featuring bespoke, gold pieces created by labels such as Alexander McQueen, Burberry and Christopher Kane and worn by the likes of Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, Georgia May Jagger, Karen Elson, Stella Tennant, Lily Cole, Lily Donaldson, Jourdan Dunn and one very handsome boy - VOGUE.COM blogger David Gandy. With photographs by Nick Knight and styling by Vogue fashion director Lucinda Chambers, the images have to be seen to be believed. Buy the September issue of Vogue, on sale now, to see the shoot in its full golden glory.



Lily Donaldson didn’t walk in the DreamGirls segment with the Pink where Taylor sang, but at that same 2013 VSFS she did walk in the Gilded Angels segment-


31 August 2012 We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together is released as a single:

The MV features the rest of the Agency, but not Liz. Fans take notice.

13 September 2012 The news breaks that Liz is leaving The Agency and will not be on the Red Tour:

7 September 2012 Karlie talks about Taylor in interview:



20 September 2012 Liz spends “quality time” with Claire and Taylor:

17  October 2012 Taylor writes This Love:

Also 10/17/12 Liz makes a vague tweet about jealousy:


22 October 2012 Red is released:


According to a later interview with the photographer who did the Red booklet (who happens to be Liz’s current roommate), Taylor based the concept of the photoshoot on some headshots they’d taken for Liz: 


“Taylor is a mutual friend of ours. Stephen and his brother were friends with her years before, and I became friends with her separately. What ended up happening was one of her background singers needed headshots. When Taylor saw them a few months later, she came to me and was like, “Liz showed me the shots you took of her, and I need my album to look exactly like that.” Clearly, this was a no-brainer. I said, “OK!” Before then, I’d been kind of burned out on music photography. A lot of the shoots were super controlling. I needed a new perspective on the field itself and wanted future shoots to be very free-flowing — just the artist and a minimum crew. Luckily for Stephen and me, that’s exactly how Taylor presented the Red album shoot. So it was just the three of us shooting everything together. She wanted everybody else to remain off set, allowing for a more personal and intimate experience.” 


In this series of Liz headshots, there’s also one specific photo of Liz wearing the Stevie Nicks moon necklace that Taylor possibly gave to her:

Also 10/22/2012 Red Album Hidden Messages in Taylor Swift’s ‘Red’ Liner Notes:

Song: 14. 'Everything Has Changed'

Hidden Message: HYANNIS PORT

Swiftgron took a trip there.

Taylor wrote the song prior to meeting Connor Kennedy (see 5/15/12 co-writing w/Ed). Swift first started dating the political progeny in summer 2012; they were spotted at Hyannisport, Massachusetts together, and a source told Us Weekly, “Conor put his arm around Taylor and they kissed behind the boat shed.”

Also 10/22/12 Later that day, Taylor goes on Good Morning America:

She says she wrote a new song “like two days ago” (probably talking about This Love?). And after that, Taylor tells the LA Times that Begin Again and State of Grace are about the same person:


“There were a few track list choices I knew I was going to make way in advance,” she said. “I knew I wanted to bookend the album with ‘State of Grace’ and ‘Begin Again’ because they’re inspired by the same person who inspired a few songs on the record. I wanted to start and end the album with the first and last song I ever wrote about that relationship.” “Then in between those songs, I wanted to paint a picture of the ups and downs I’ve experienced in life and love, not necessarily in the order it happened chronologically,” Swift continued. “I like to spread the emotions out in a way that never makes you feel like there’s a sad lull, then a burst of four songs in a row about joy. At the end of the day, I make a track list based on what my gut feeling tells me.” ‘Begin Again’ is my song version of a cliffhanger ending. Throughout the whole album, there have been songs about the trials and tribulations of love and loss, and there at the end of the record it starts all over. As soon as I wrote that song, I knew exactly where I wanted to put it.”

25 October 2012  articles come out saying Taylor and Conor split a while ago:

After an intense couple months of dating, Taylor Swift and Conor Kennedy have broken up, a close friend of the singer-songwriter confirms exclusively to Us Weekly. "They quietly parted ways a while ago," the friend explains of the "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" crooner, 22, and the high school senior, 18. "It was just a distance thing. No hard feelings. They're fine."

26 October 2012 Taylor goes on Katie Couric:

Katie asks if Taylor’s ex in WANEGBT got the message and Taylor says she “hasn’t heard from him since” and also mentions “some of my exes like to write really long emails.” Now, if the song is about Liz, this is a lie, because she definitely did get lunch with Liz after WANEGBT came out. However, I think it’s fair that what she’s hinting here is that things did not end well in that messy relationship.

25 October 2012 Liz quote tweets Caitlin about crying on the treadmill to All Too Well:

November 2012 Closing for the house next door to the Kennedys:


The details are sketchy, but seven years on, the tabloids and real estate sites agree that at some point in 2012, Swift bought a $4.9 million mansion literally next door to the Kennedy compound. Perhaps Swift imagined another beautiful summer on Cape Cod with her boyfriend, but unfortunately, her dream was not realized. The deal to buy the property officially closed in November 2012, and by then, Swift and Kennedy had parted ways. "It was just a distance thing,” a source told Us Weekly. “No hard feelings. They're fine." (Kennedy was back in boarding school and Swift was busy promoting Red.) The family apparently remained close enough to Swift that the RFK Center for Justice & Human Rights honored her with the Ripple of Hope Award in December.


15 November 2012 Taylor starts publicly dating Harry Styles:

Despite meeting in March 2012, they didn't start dating until later that year. Swift was in a relationship with Conor Kennedy that summer, and Styles had a short-lived fling with English actress Emily Atack around the same time. The two finally got together in the fall and subtly confirmed their coupledom when Swift was spotted wearing a silver paper plane necklace that appeared to belong to Styles, according to BuzzFeed. Before Thanksgiving, People reported that Styles had swung by The X Factor studio to see Swift rehearse. "He was smiling at her while she rehearsed. When she was done, he jumped up on stage, picked her up, put her over his shoulder and carried her off stage," a source told the outlet.

18 November 2012 Taylor shoots the MV for IKYWT:  


She wears the same black and white shirt she wore around when Liz first joined the band (see 5/8/09 & 12/14/12). 



Liz calls the news of her leaving the Agency “bittersweet.”

And “bittersweet” is the exact same phrasing that around a week later Taylor would say the ex who most of Red is about used to describe listening to the album:

13 December 2012 Taylor’s birthday: 

Liz does not wish her happy birthday. This, to me, is the biggest evidence that there’s some amount of bad blood between them at this point.

14 December 2012 The Music Video for IKYWT premieres (see 5/8/09 & 11/18/12):  


She wears the same black and white shirt she wore around when Liz first joined the band. Aside from the shirt she wore a LOT when TayLiz was first a thing in 2009, Taylor also wears a key necklace, which will be important later:




20 December 2012 Liz tells a fan her favorite song from Red is All Too Well:


9 January 2013 Liz releases Blessed Are the Brokenhearted:

Here she describes love as “burning up out of control” which is the same phrase Taylor used on Red -- “burning red” -- and Begin Again -- “I’ve been spending the last eight months thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end.” Also, the idea of love as an out of control flame really does describe their relationship.

9 January 2013 Taylor and Harry’s breakup announced:

15 January 2013 Cara Delevingne splits up with Harry Styles:

(see 9/11/13 for the confused timeline, the start to their dating was announced after the split? This is how you know it’s bearding folks, the timelines don’t make sense.)

"Harry’s not used to being dumped and he hasn’t got Cara out of his system,” a source tells omg! U.K. "Harry’s still smitten by her upmarket background, her fun lifestyle and her socialite world. It’s a different world from Harry’s and he wants to know what it’s like from the inside." But are the feelings mutual? "Cara likes Harry a lot but at the moment she’s put her career and ambition first, but they’re still in touch and Harry wants her back,” the source continues. Delevingne, who has modeled for Victoria’s Secret and Burberry, called things off with Harry because of career concerns. Her modeling agency, Storm, reportedly thought she could do better than dating someone from a boy band, calling the high-profile romance too “low rent.”

22 January 2013 Liz releases Wreck of Who I Am:

This is the song that is the strongest evidence for me that Liz WAS going through some mental health stuff over the summer when she was doing all this songwriting, and that that Reddit post about running into a drunk Liz who said she was fired for being “out of control” seems somewhat accurate. Here Liz sings about her battles, the way she’s losing them, and asks her younger self what she would think if she saw her now.

29 January 2013 Chantelle Paige posts a picture of Liz and Taylor:


She talks about a “sad night turned awesome.” Once again, I think this is a throwback from that night in 2012:

10 February 2013 Both Taylor and Karlie were at the 55th Grammy Awards:

(9mo prior to their official introduction)



You can also catch "House Of Style" co-host Karlie Kloss as she provides live fashion commentary during the pre-show -- our forever-besties at MTV Style are already liveblogging the 2013 Grammys red carpet

22 February 2013 Taylor Swift films the Graham Norton Show in London:

28 February 2013 Karlie Kloss attends Paris Fashion Week:

March 2013 Four months after closing on it, Taylor sells the Kennedy-adjacent house:


Swift quickly flipped the Hyannis Port property, selling it for $5.7 million in March 2013. And then, it seems, she was inspired to make a much bigger real estate investment an hour or so away in Rhode Island

2 April 2013 Liz goes to therapy. Her and Bryan are dating at this point:

Also on 4/2/13 Liz Tweets that she hasn’t been to a Red show:

7 April 2013 Taylor’s on a Wonderland magazine cover:


Of course the entirety of the song Wonderland, belongs to Dianna Agron-



But also the giraffe is Karly-koded



You’re very tall like an elephant or a giraffe…

17 April 2013 The Fake SwiftGron Article ruins everything:



The rumors claimed they were forced to break up by their PR teams (mainly Taylor's label) due to being outed.

10 May 2013 Cara Delevingne gets caught with a white bag of powder:



21 May 2013 Kristen Stewart spends all day (and night? unconfirmed) at Taylor’s house after the break-up w/Robert Pattinson:


4 July 2013 The OG Taymerica Party:

The entire guest list are dancers and musicians from her Red tour. Looks like a lot of queer representation, IMO, though.


5 August 2013 Taylor visits Dianna on the set of Glee:





Season 5 of Glee filming schedule-


5 September 2013 Taylor and Dianna attend a FUN concert [last time they're seen together in public]:


11 September 2013 Article says Harry Styles and Cara Delevingne have been secretly dating for months:

(see 1/15/13 for the confused timeline, the split happened prior to the dating? This is how you know it’s bearding folks, the timelines don’t make sense.)


The One Direction cutie has been seeing the model "for around two weeks," a source close to Delevingne tells E! News. And it appears that the boy-bander is absolutely head over heels for the blond beauty. "Harry's been chasing Cara nonstop. He really likes her and has been saying that he wants to be exclusive with her," the source added. They are seeing each other though, casually, and are actually very cute together. Their friends think it could work out…He's really chasing her, but she's a really busy girl." Delevingne is said to be headed to Los Angeles shortly to meet with industry executives about possible future endeavors. The insider revealed that "L.A. has gone crazy to sign her for acting jobs."

In future years Cara would reveal-


September 16, 2019: In a new interview with Porter, Cara Delevingne revealed she had a disturbing interaction with Weinstein. During the interaction, Delevingne was reportedly told by Weinstein that she should hide her sexuality if she wanted a career in Hollywood. “One of the first things Harvey Weinstein ever said to me was, ‘You will never make it in this industry as a gay woman—get a beard,’” she told the publication, per Vogue US. The star also added: “When I’d just started to audition for films, he was naming people [women] I’m friends with—famous people—and asking, ‘Have you slept with this person?’ I just thought: this is insane.” 

9 November 2013 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (when media says Taylor and Karlie met for the first time):

Kloss, 31, and Swift, 33, became fast friends in 2013 after meeting at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, Swift confirmed to Vogue in 2015.


Also 11/9/13 Taylor and Lily meet and Taylor and Cara Delevingne meet:



Swift and Delevingne's love has been a long and profound one. They even have slumber parties, which I'm jealous of because none of my friends want to have slumber parties anymore. 15 months ago, per Swifty's Instagram, she, Delevingne, and Ed Sheeren crooned at the U.S. Ambassador's house. Surprisingly, though, it's quite a task to discover what their first meeting was, mainly because there are 284,000 hits on Google when you search "Taylor Swit Cara Delevingne friendship."

But it looks like T and C met in the best way possible — over mutual shade thrown at Harry Styles at the 2013 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, where Swift provided the musical talent. While Swift was killing it with her vocals, Delevingne power walked down the stage and the two ladies very conspicuously high fived, despite the fact that at the time Delevingne was supposedly dating Styles, Swift's ex, and the fact that, at the time, there was rumored "girl-on-girl hate" between them. Their high five looked more like a TV-appropriate middle finger to me.


Taylor gives a low-5 into an a$$ slap-

24 November 2013 Taylor and Karlie “hang out” at the AMA’s and Taylor does a Q&A Backstage


A female reporter says, We really love you in the U.S. …there are rumors you’re going to move to UK, is that true?


Taylor says she didn’t hear the question, comments that the group behind her is loud [there’s just been a din of chatter during the questions, and nothing has changed]. Looks around like she is concerned or wants to run away. The lady says, That’s OK, and attempts to repeat the question and Taylor interrupts her to say there might be an actual brawl [there’s not, it's still just the same chatter/clamor from the area behind her]. Taylor is looking around.  


Then Taylor, looking desperate to talk to anyone else, says something to another person, like I just freeze, usually like I’m doing right now.  

The lady tries to start a third time and Taylor skips over her like she didn’t hear.


My assessment-gay panic.


Karlie persuades her to move to NYC instead of chasing Dianna to London as she later brags in the “Best Best Friends” video.

“And she was gonna move to London and I said, ‘Nope.’”

23 December 2013 Liz wishes Taylor Happy Birthday:

This seems like a peace offering to me, considering they haven’t spoken in like a year and she refused to do this the earlier year.

1 March 2014 Taylor and Karlie go to Weinstein Company’s Pre-Oscars Party:

2 March 2014 Taylor and Karlie go to the Vanity Fair Oscars Party:

Early March 2014 Taylor and Karlie go to Big Sur:




3 April 2014 Taylor and Karlie have lunch at The Butcher’s Daughter:


During lunch, Karlie switched spots with Taylor so she could shield Taylor from the paps.

10 April 2014 Taylor and Cara hang out in NYC:


15 April 2014 Taylor and Karlie go to the gym & dinner:

20 April 2014 Paula quits as Taylor’s PR Manager, and Tree is hired:


Taylor Swift has split with her longtime PR spokeswoman, Paula Erickson, and hired flame-haired beauty Tree Paine to help her deal with the never-ending press interest. Swift, the 24-year-old Grammy Award winner, is bringing Paine on board at a time when she’s starting a new chapter in her life in Tribeca and may need some additional help in the media capital of the world. “There isn’t a publicist in NY, LA or Nashville that wouldn’t jump at an opportunity to work with someone as talented as Taylor Swift and her management team,” said Paine.

26 April 2014 Taylor and Karlie papped leaving the gym:

2 May 2014 Dinner party with Taylor, Karlie, Toni and friends:


Ed Sheeran's close pal dined out in New York over the weekend, joining the likes of NBF and supermodel Karlie Kloss, Leonardo DiCaprio's model girlfriend Toni Garrn, Topshop founder Sir Philip Green, and a group of other A-listers. They ate in a private room in exclusive restaurant Butter Midtown - billed as a niche eaterie for 'stylish Manhattanites' - which boasts a mouthwatering menu. But what did Taylor, 24, have? The website claims she ordered a piece of bread and only drank water.

4 May 2014 Taylor and Karlie at Harry Josh Pre Met Gala Party:



5 May 2014 Taylor and Karlie pre-Met Gala getting their makeup on:

I think this caption is used as plausible deniability later (see King of my Heart on 8/15/2018)

Also 5/5/14 Taylor & Karlie, +/- Selina, and Lily, and Dianna & Lea Michele all attend the Met Gala:


This dress is referenced several times in Taylor’s later work:

Wildest dreams music video (see 5/20/2015)


Later Taylor buries herself in this dress in the LWYMMD video (see 8/27/17)

Also 5/5/14 Taylor, Karlie, Lily, and Georgia May Jagger leave the Met Gala together:

June 2014 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


10 June 2014 Daily Mail reports Karlie and Cara Delevingne kissed goodnight:


13 June 2014 Karlie’s Garden Gate:


Taylor’s Red Tour finished up June 12th, and Taylor flew right back to Karlie the next day. 


18 June 2014 Taylor and Karlie pics taken:


I don’t know what’s happening, but it doesn’t look cheerful.

20 June 2014 Taylor at Karlie’s garden gate:

28-30 June 2014 Taylor and Karlie Weekend in Rhode Island:

4 July 2014 Taymerica with celebrities, but looks to be prior Victoria’s Secret models (Karlie isn’t there):



“Family portrait,” the 24-year-old singer captioned the photo of herself, Lena Dunham, Jessica Szohr, Jaime King, Ingrid Michaelson, Amanda Griffith, Odeya Rush and Emma Stone.

15 July 2014 Taylor and Karlie have lunch at Sarabeth’s:

17 July 2014 Jack Antonoff is on WTF podcast with Marc Maron:

An approximation of the conversation between Marc Maron and Jack Antinoff where Jack outs Taylor then backtracks:


Jack:  I think men are more often disgusting then women... 

Marc:  So you feel judged by men? 

Jack:  ...been in situations where...oh I fucked this chick last night...

Marc:  it's an awkward's a certain typa dude that does that...

Jack: yeah, but they’re arou- they're in music...they're like, closed the deal..and I just um, .that doesn't happen...there's a higher, there's a better chance when working with a woman that we're gonna get along...

Marc:  And she's not gonna say, this dude fuckin' gave it to me last night...

Jack: Yeah, or like, I just piled thru these 4 guys over the weekend. 

Marc: You're not gonna have that conversation with Taylor Swift? 

Jack:  …that, no. I like women and particularly gay women...

Marc:  Is she gay? 

Jack:  uh no, but I work a lot with like Tegan and Sara...

Marc:  Do we have a breaking story here, did ya just tip it?

21 July 2014 Taylor and Karlie in Soho:



22 July 2014 Taylor and Karlie at the Gym:


23 July 2014 Taylor and Karlie Girls night w/Karlie’s sister, Kimby:


31 July 2014 Taylor and Karlie at the Ingrid Michaelson Concert:


3 August 2014 Karlie’s 22nd Birthday and Taylor makes an Instagram post calling Karlie “100% sunshine”:



Taylor Swift on her instagram account on August 3, 2014 with the caption [ Happy 22nd birthday to Karlie Kloss, who is made out of 100% sunshine. ]

Credits to: @taylorswift


7 August 2014 Karlie papped leaving Taylor’s:

9 August 2014 An article comes out saying Karlie lives with Taylor:

13 August 2014 Karlie’s spokesperson responds to rumors about Taylor and Karlie living together:


“Karlie and Taylor do not live together and have no plans to live together. The Daily Mail did not verify the facts of the story prior to publishing it.” 

26 August 2014 Karlie and Josh attended the US Open:


To help fight off the rumors that Taylor and Karlie were living together. 

The vibe-


Karlie spots the camera and whispers to Josh: New vibe:


There was supposedly a kiss cam at the tennis match as well, but Karlie and Josh decided not to partake in it. 

8 September 2014 Interview with Rolling Stone where Taylor says that Karlie has her own room:



“Swift leads the way into one of her four guest bedrooms. “This is where Karlie usually stays,” she says – meaning supermodel Karlie Kloss, one of her new BFFs, whom she met nine months ago at the Victoria’s Secret fashion show. There’s a basket of Kloss’s favorite Whole Foods treats next to the bed, and multiple photos of her on the walls. Against another wall, there’s a rack full of white nightgowns. “This is a thing me and Lena have,” says Swift – meaning Lena Dunham, another recent friend. “We wear them during the day and look like pioneer women, fresh off the Oregon Trail.” - 

17 September 2014 Taylor and Karlie go to lunch at The Honor Bar in Beverly Hills:

21 September 2014 IKYWT iHeart Radio Music Festival:



During her performance of IKYWT that we got the clearest version yet of Taylor singing, ‘That SHE never loved me.’ None of the videos have captions, but even the Swifties picked up on the lyric change-

2 October 2014 Claire tweets a TBT to the Charleston trip. Liz responds to it:  

14 October 2014 Taylor and Liz tweet about how much they miss each other:


20 October 2014 People Magazine does a throwback cover of Taylor: 


People magazine is celebrating its 40th year, and to mark the occasion the iconic weekly has re-created its very first cover, which featured actress Mia Farrow, by using a new shot of singer Taylor Swift. Wearing a white blouse and clutching a string of pearls in her teeth, Swift strikes a nearly identical pose to the one Farrow employed on People's cover on March 4, 1974.

The 69-year-old Farrow was 29 at the time and was starring in "The Great Gatsby" alongside Robert Redford. Her cover blurb called the film "the year's next big movie." 

Inside the mag, the "Shake It Off" singer reveals her current take on matters of the heart, saying, “I used to be fascinated by romance. Now I’m more realistic.” 


When we first got a glimpse at People magazine's recent cover of Taylor Swift, it looked kinda familiar. And it's not just because the pop star was recreating Mia Farrow's Great Gatsby look from the first-ever cover of the magazine in 1974. It turns out that Portia De Rossi actually pulled a Mia four years ago for gay magazine The Advocate. The Advocate's coverline reads, "The Great De Rossi." 

In the Advocate, De Rossi opened up about being married to Ellen DeGeneres. Her wedding to DeGeneres was splashed across the cover of People, which also featured page after page of photos with breathless captions detailing their clothes, the food, and the flowers, just like any other (straight) celebrity wedding. No one, not publicists or producers or even gay organizations, is telling her what to say these days. Where she once would have demurred, arguing for privacy, "what I meant was I should stay in the closet because I'm greedy and selfish," she says. 

"Maybe by sharing my life, I can make people more aware of how important gay marriage is." Is that more important to her than acting? "Of course," she answers immediately. "Actors come and go. Characters come and go. TV shows come and go. While acting is entertaining, for me personally, it's a little empty." She makes another straightforward "case closed" argument for actors coming out, usual Hollywood scare tactics be damned. "People say, 'There are lots of openly gay actors.' And I'm like, who? If everybody I knew that was gay and not being open about it came out, it would make a huge difference to people coming up as young actors in Hollywood. Huge. To producers, to people in casting. 

"My career is only a part of my life, and it's certainly not what I think I was born to do." "I think it's up to us to save marriage," she says. "Up to gay people across the country, seeing as though we're fighting for it so vehemently." De Rossi has an impressive ability to marry the personal and political: "This whole thing has been a wave of excitement and hope, and then it gently falls back into despair. And then it picks us up again. Unfortunately, we're the ones who have to suffer this--this humiliation, really. There's kind of a dignity that's been stripped from us. Gay people are the ones who have to suffer through it--but without it, it won't change." 

"Being on Oprah was a very surreal moment--to go from being so closeted and so afraid to talk about my sexuality to sitting with my wife, talking about my wedding and how much I love her. To look out at that audience and see most of the audience crying--Oprah was crying! Life can take so many twists and turns. You can't ever count yourself out. Even if you're really afraid at some point, you can't think that there's no room for you to grow and do something good with your life."

In People, Swift admitted she's been weary of dating. "I'm not going to compromise the happiness and independence that I've found for just anybody. The idea of a date gives me a partial panic attack!" the seven-time Grammy Award winner said.

21 October 2014 Taylor posts a picture of her, Austin, and Karlie:

27 October 2014 1989 album is released:

In Vogue's "Friendship Test," in which Swift revealed that Kloss listened to her entire "1989" album before anyone else had heard it.

29 October 2014 Kaylor at Knicks Game:




10 November 2014 Calvin says he’d swipe left, rejecting Taylor Swift on a radio show:

All the links to that exact part of the interview are:

12 November 2014 Kaylor Shopping at Sephora and ABC Carpet in NYC:

19 November 2014 Karlie and Taylor and shooting the Vogue spread:

[released 2/13/15]


23 November 2014 Behind the Scenes Interview at the American Music Awards:


Also 11/23/14 American Music Awards:

Karlie and Taylor were all over each other that night, and reports say Dianna left early.

24 November 2014 Taylor, Karlie, and the squad have a girl’s night:

December 2014 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


2 December 2014 VSFS filmed in London:




At the end of the show Taylor heads back behind Ed and puts her head on Karlie’s chest:

Also 12/2/14 Lily walks in the VSFS also, but not in Taylor’s segments:


4 December 2014 Kissgate:


Also 12/4/14 Taylor goes home and goes on a Kaylor liking spree on Tumblr:

5 December 2014 Kissgate articles:



Also 12/5/14  The next day when the Kissgate footage gets out, a hungover Taylor unlikes everything:


Also 12/5/14 Taylor’s camp denies the kissing allegations:



Nothing to see here, folks! Taylor Swift, who was nominated for three more Grammys on Friday, Dec. 5, did not dip her toe in the lady pond, despite an erroneous report. Rampant speculation began when tweeters posted affectionate images of Swift and her BFF Karlie Kloss together at The 1975 concert in NYC on Thursday, Dec. 4 — with some fans arguing that the singer, 24, and the Victoria’s Secret Angel, 22, appear to be making out. A rep for Swift assures Us Weekly that this make out story is complete “crap.”

Swift and Kloss, who watched the concert inside the Terminal 5 venue in a VIP area, were also joined by fellow Angels Lily Aldridge and Martha Hunt. Although they appeared to be locked in an embrace, the two gal pals simply leaned into one another to attempt to hear one another over the loud music.

“It’s sad that on the day it’s announced Taylor has three Grammy nominations for ‘Shake It Off,’ I have to shake off this crap,” Swift’s rep tells Us Weekly of the silly story. (The lead track off her smash 1989 album, Swift’s No. 1 hit “Shake It Off” was nominated for Song and Record of the Year as well as Pop Solo Performance. The songstress already has seven Grammys to her name; the 1989 album itself will be eligible for the 2016 Grammys.)

Although they weren’t getting hot and heavy, the girls did get “wild” while watching Swift’s rumored crush British rocker Matt Healy perform with The 1975. According to an onlooker, “Taylor looked adorable — she had a tight black miniskirt on and was singing all the lyrics to songs and headbanging her hair around and dancing wild, like dirty dancing, with her friends…they looked like they were having a blast!”

This isn’t the first time Swift’s taken time out of her schedule to catch a The 1975 concert. Just last month, Swift attended Healy’s concert in L.A. with Selena Gomez and Ellie Goulding. Healy, 25, then confessed that the two exchanged phone numbers, revealing during a radio interview with Shazam Top 20’s Angus O’Loughlin: “We exchanged numbers. Let’s see what happens. I mean bloody hell, what am I going to do? Go out with Taylor Swift? She’s a sensation, I wouldn’t say no.”

6 December 2014 Articles denying Kissgate:



8 December 2014 Kissgate Damage Control:


Kissgate had only happened 5 days before the show was set to premiere, and because Taylor knew how gay/obvious her parts with Karlie were, she attempted to conduct some pre damage control. Over a tweet, Taylor asked the media to quit accusing all her friends of dating her for her birthday.


9 December 2014 VSFS 2014 show airs:

Also 12/9/14 Taylor and Karlie both attend the VSFS viewing party:

Also on 12/9/14 Then, when Taylor walks the runway with Karlie at the VSFS, Liz tweets support:

Also 12/9/14 Wendy Williams Show airs the pics & gossips about it:


10 December 2014 Taylor and her mom watch Emma Stone perform in Cabaret:



After watching the sexy show, Swift and her mom traveled to Studio 54 on Broadway to support BFF Emma Stone. Wearing a tan blazer over her black and white sweater, Swift arrived "seconds before the curtain went up" to see her girl's starring role in Cabaret. They managed to hang backstage during intermission and visited the Broadway star after the show. "Got to see Emma KILL IT in Cabaret last night," Swift shared after the performance. "Every new project she takes on is even more excellent than her last and it has inspired me since the day I met her 7 years ago."

Also 12/10/14 Cara and Kendall Jenner spend the night at Taylor’s:


11 December 2014 Karlie papped leaving Taylor’s:

Also 12/11/14 Taylor is interviewed for the Vogue article where she and Karlie grace the cover:



It’s two days before her twenty-fifth birthday, and Swift is brimming with the confidence of a young woman who’s come into her own. It’s been quite a year: She not only moved to New York, away from her family; she’s also taken risks with her sound, stepping back from the world of country to embrace the throwback purity of eighties pop—with amazing success. “Blank Space,” a defiant (and impossible-not-to-sing-along-to) response to the media’s depiction of her as a crazed man-eater, enjoyed a seven-week run atop the Billboard Hot 100. Swift also became the first female in the chart’s 56-year history to replace herself at No. 1 (her earlier single was the now-ubiquitous “Shake It Off”). Both are from her remarkable new album, 1989, named after the year she was born, which has sold more than six million copies and become, along the way, the fastest-moving rec­ord of the past decade. 

12/12/14 Karlie papped leaving Taylor’s after shooting the Best Best Friends Vogue Video:

[Did they make the video to change the narrative from wedding photo shoot to firmly friends???]


13 December 2014 Taylor’s Birthday and Jingle Ball:


The night started off with Kimby and Karlie attending Taylor’s Jingle Ball performance-

Also 12/13/14 Karlie went back to Taylor’s to celebrate Taylor’s birthday with a slew of celebrities:



15 December 2014 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):

Usually Enty refers to Karlie as the “Alliterate Model” for her KK alliteration (and probably a dig at intelligence).

20 December 2014 Liz gets engaged to Bryan Brown and has dinner with friends:

29 December 2014 OK! prints a cover story about Kaylor:

31 December 2014 Swiftmas:

Karlie helped Taylor wrap gifts on at least two occasions while Taylor was conducting ‘Swiftmas’ - In the video you can hear Karlie laugh at around 1:46

1 January 2015 Taylor and Karlie Girls night w/Martha:


3 January 2015 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


19 January 2015 Taylor, Gigi, Karlie, Martha, and Ashley hang out:

January 30 through February 1, 2015 Taylor and Karlie visit Nashville:


Taylor and Karlie tried going undetected at first, but were forced to post on Instagram after the fan pic below was taken-


13 February 2015 The Kaylor Best Best Friend Video came out:

[it was filmed 12/12/14]


Also 2/13/15  Kaylor Vogue Spread is released:

[Shot 11/19/14]


→side-note:  To sum up

Also on 2/13/15 Style music video:



Vs. OOtW



Vs. Fortnight music video

5 February 2015 We know Karlie baits for that sweet Kaylor engagement.  But Taylor started it:

Here’s the actual post she liked-

The bob haircut–Taylor’s was 2nd-



More twinning (also see 7/25/12; 10/24/23)-



Michael Jackson Inspo-




16 February 2015 Liz tweets that Taylor is badass:


17 February 2015 Taylor and Karlie at the Oscar de la Renta Show:


Also keep in mind – this was the last time they were seen alone in public until March 11th, 2016. Nothing to hide my ass.

Also 2/17/2015 Wonderland was released as a single:

19 February 2015 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


24 February 2015 Taylor meets Calvin Harris:

Also on 2/24/15 Taylor, Karlie, Lily, Cara, and Ellie Goulding attend Fund Fair:

Also 2/24/15 Taylor and Lily attend Elle Style Awards:


25 February 2015 Taylor and Karlie attend the Brit Awards:

Also 2/25/15 Taylor, Karlie, Ellie, and Cara head to the afterparty:


Matty Healy is also at the after-party, but Taylor has attached herself to Nick-

6 March 2015 According to their socials, this is Tavin’s anniversary (see 3/6/16):


I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Elle Goulding introduced them, since she was named in the interview where Calvin wouldn’t date Taylor.


On March 6, 2015, Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris began dating after being introduced by Ellie Goulding at the ELLE UK Style Awards 




See March 2014 when Kaylor went to Big Sur one year ago (see March 2014)

A reach but I could see both a 3 and a 5 depending on light and angel…

25 March 2015 Taylor and Calvin papped in matching outfits at Whole Foods in Nashville shopping for KARLIE’S COOKIES:



Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris surfaced in Nashville ... could it be? Taylor and the famous DJ were coming out of Whole Foods Wednesday night -- wearing matching shirts no less -- when 2 people snapped the pics. This isn't the first time they've been together recently. Taylor went to Calvin's concert in Vegas earlier this month. There were reports he chartered a jet to fly her to the gig. They got all flirty at the Brit Awards after-party in London back in February.

27 March 2015 a lot of articles appear talking about Calvin’s rejection of Taylor Swift:



Speaking on UK radio station Capital FM last November, he said he would swipe left if he saw Taylor's Tinder profile. For those not in the know, swiping left means you reject the person.  He did, however, say she looks lovely. "She looks lovely but she's the opposite of my type," he said.

8 April 2015 Liz makes this post on Facebook:

11 April 2015 Bad Blood music video filmed:

25 April 2015 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


29 April 2015 Calvin posts pics of Taylor’s cats (NEITHER Taylor, nor Calvin are in the pic) implying they’re together:



(See 4/29/20 when they used this same technique for Joe)


5 May 2015 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


18 May 2015 Bad Blood music video premiered:

28 May 2015 Taylor and Karlie go to Dinner Party in NYC:


26 June 2015 Taylor and Karlie at Hyde Park:


28 June 2015 And Liz seems to have found a group of gay friends:


July 2015 Dianna starts “dating” Winston of Mumford and Sons:

10 July 2015 Taylor and Karlie at Metlife:


Karlie had been working in Europe for a couple of weeks, and was in Rome before she flew back to the states. We knew she could get back in time for Taylor’s two Metlife shows. Karlie went home, but all she did while she was there was change and then head to the show with Kimby. A man from Taylor’s security team picked them up, and off they went.



In this video taken backstage, Karlie and Tree hug, and Karlie states she came straight from Rome for this. Then Karlie body guard said to Tree, “Tree, Taylor’s going to yell at me if I don’t take her (Karlie) right now.” Kimby and Tree hugged, and then the bodyguard whisked Karlie away to take her to a very impatient Taylor.

15 July 2015 Liz posts on Facebook:


The picture she attaches definitely looks like Taylor-



19 July 2015 Lily invited up on stage for Style at 1989 Tour’s Chicago stop:

21 July 2015 Lily was papped a block from Taylor’s Tribeca home two days after the Chicago concert:

Also 7/21/15 Lily posted about Taylor the day she was papped near Taylor’s house.  


This would be her first post about Taylor:

26 August 2015 Ruby Rose posts a pic of a group including Taylor on her Facebook:

Buzzfeed Australia notices-

27 August 2015 Liz Thirst tweet:

30 August 2015 Taylor & Squad at VMAs:


31 August 2015 Wildest Dreams Music Video is released:


Her dress looks a lot like the Met Gala 2014 dress where Taylor, Karlie, Dianna, Lea Michele, and Lily Donaldson all attended (see 5/5/14)


Referencing Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton (played by a James Dean-esque actor) who were at times passionate, at times abusive. On and off, cheating, tumultuous. But said each was the love of their life. 


We have a lion for Leo astro sign Karlie, or MGM for film buff Dianna


There is a giraffe for Karlie and a gold, sunshiny dress 

Also 8/31/15 Liz calls Taylor sexy in response to the Wildest Dreams MV:

8 September 2014 Calvin Harris first spotted leaving a Thai Massage Parlour:

9 October 2015 Taylor +/- Karlie? And Jaime King go to Selena’s Release Party:


Jaime posted this pic of the party on instagram in Feb–is that Karlie in the background?

15 October 2015 Liz tweets about Better Than Revenge:

28 October 2015 Liz quote tweets Taylor about OOTW acoustic:

6 November 2015 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):

11 November 2015 Liz responds to Caitlin’s tweet tagging Taylor about nostalgia:

20 November 2015 Karlie wishes Lily Aldridge HBD, and Taylor is in the picture:


23 November 2015 (speculated date) Karlie signs with SBP, Scooter Braun’s company:



Nov 22, 2017 10:15am PT

Meet the Six Key Execs Who Help Scooter Braun Care for Roster of Clients

By Taryn Nobil

Plus Icon

Penni Thow, 31, Senior VP

For more than five years, Thow has overseen operations and strategic growth across all SBP verticals, with a focus on lifestyle, television and film. She remains inspired by the environment that she works in every day. “Scooter is one of the most loyal, empathetic people that I have ever known,” she says. “He treats everybody like family and really sees the potential in people.” …She also advises clients on entrepreneurial growth ventures. But Thow’s most impressive effort may be her day-to-day management and development of supermodel Karlie Kloss. This has included the launch of Kode With Klossy, a nonprofit that empowers girls to learn to code and become leaders in tech…“I learn so much every day that sometimes I can’t even take any more learning,” she laughs. “But the biggest lesson that I carry with me is to be kind and help others.”


For a breakdown of “manager” see here:


I couldn’t find the length of the contract in a primary source, but Karlie’s manager started her own company in November of 2019, and left SBC May 2020 (see 17 November 2019 for Karlie’s new contract, where it’s implied that she was with Penni all 4 years). 



9 December 2015 Liz congratulates Taylor on her Grammy noms:

13 December 2015 Taylor’s birthday. Liz wishes her HBD:

20 December 2015 Live Release of 1989 World Tour :

Karlie had a whole feature, and it was named the Karlie Kam. It was basically just her gushing over Taylor the entire time.


Also 12/20/14 Karlie posts about the 1989 concerts:


31 December 2015 Taylor and Ruby Rose party at Calvin’s gig for NYE:

3 January 2016 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):

29 January 2016 Liz says her favorite song from 1989 is This Love:

15 February 2016 Liz and Taylor both attend UMG’s Grammys afterparty at the Ace Hotel Theater :


2/17/16 An article where Zoe Kravitz is talking about her band, Lola Wolf, could be an Easter Egg???

Williamsburg Music Hall + Bowery Ballroom



19-23 February 2016 Dianna’s engagement ring is spotted for the first time at London Fashion Week:


When Glee alum Dianna Agron and Mumford and Sons guitarist Winston Marshall got engaged over the holiday season in 2015, we didn’t catch a glimpse of the engagement ring. And, strangely enough, Dianna didn’t post anything to social media. Well, you can now satisfy your curiosity as to what the ring looks like, as Dianna stepped out on Monday flashing the ring. When the 29-year-old actress showed up at Erdem’s runway show at London Fashion Week on Monday, she made sure her ring was front and center. It was hard to miss, as it’s at least a few carats and set in rose gold.


21 February 2016 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):

24 February 2016 The Standard reports Taylor is house-hunting in London:

After performing in a glittery Union Jack-inspired dress with the angels at the recent Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in New York City, 23 year-old singer Taylor Swift has wasted no time falling back down to Earth, and is said to be looking for a home in west London. The Grammy award winner spends much of her time in Europe and must be tired of living out of a suitcase, schlepping from one hotel to another. She apparently bought her eight-bedroom, 11,000sq ft mansion in Westerly, Rhode Island, for £11 million in cash and is now thought to be house hunting in Notting Hill and Regent's Park. With such a generous budget, we thought these properties might catch her eye...

26 February 2016 Liz posts a TBT to Charleston:

28 February 2016 Taylor, Lorde, Selena attend Vanity Fair Oscars Party:


Also on 2/28/16 Lily at Vanity Fair Oscars Party:

29 February 2016 A video shows Taylor and Lorde also partying with Brie Larson:

6 March 2016 Taylor posts a locket with “One year down!” as the caption:


Media assumes it’s for Calvin


Two years ago Kaylor went to Big Sur (see March 2014)


Also 3/6/16 Taylor and Calvin post their 1 Year anniversary cake:

Also 3/6/16 Karlie posts about Love Lock Bridge in Paris:


On the same bridge Taylor filmed the Begin Again music video. 


Taylor Swift in Paris. Film locations:  Oh, how beautiful is loving again in Paris! If you are heartbroken and have seen this video, maybe you have wondered where did Taylor Swift found the strength to "Begin Again".



Locks of love originated in Paris, and few places collect as many as Pont Neuf, the city's oldest bridge. 

11 March 2016 Karlie and Taylor at the gym:

12 March 2016 Kaylor Lunch candids in LA after going to the gym:


18 March 2016 Taylor and Karlie attend the Kloss Twin’s Birthday Party in Vegas:



The pop star, 26, hit up Caesars Palace’s OMNIA Nightclub, in Las Vegas, alongside Karlie Kloss, to celebrate the 21st birthday of Kloss’ twin sisters, Kimberly and Kariann. They were joined by Swift’s younger brother, Austin, and several members of Haim. Spinning the soundtrack of their night was Swift’s boyfriend, Calvin Harris, OMNIA’s resident deejay.


28 March 2016 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


3 April 2016 Taylor presents a GLAAD award to Ruby Rose:


Greeted with a standing ovation (and hundreds of cellphone cameras), Swift took to the stage to present the Orange Is the New Black actress with the Stephen F. Kolzak Award. “Tonight, I’m here to honor someone who through her words and through her actions proves that she is a force of nature. She tells the world that no one can judge us and no one can stop us,” Swift explained. “She is a woman of many talents. She is my friend.” 


Ruby Rose posts about it on FB-


15-17 April 2016 Karlie and Taylor (& Calvin) at Coachella:



16 April 2016 It’s rumored that Liz also attends Coachella:

I couldn’t find a news article, or dated, labeled pic of her so I couldn’t substantiate that this pic is actually from Coachella 2016.

18 April 2016 Lily Donaldson attends a Coachella party:



 Poppy Delevingne took over a whacking great house with a giant pool to toast Poppy's new Solid & Striped swimwear collection. When they weren't downing cocktails, Leigh Lezark, Lily Donaldson and Mary Charteris were taking photos of themselves for Instagram (it's just what you do at Coachella). Sadly not one person went for a swim. NOT ONE.

2 May 2016 Met Gala (Taylor chairs):



Taylor is dating Calvin.  But her and Tom make a connection- 

This is supposedly where Taylor meets Joe Alwyn-



So they were at the same event, him randomly (Mastermind) but I couldn’t find a picture of them together at any point…  WHAT?




But danced with Tom and then traveled everywhere together.  



Lemme leave this here:  Two words:  Getaway Car.

Also 5/2/16 Taylor and Karlie dance suggestively:


6 May 2016 Liz tweets about This Love:

18 May 2016 Lilly wore her first Bvlgari snake jewelry:


(pre Snakegate; and Lily did not have a modeling deal with Bvlgari)



Taylor would wear the same Bvlgari snake bracelet and a similar Bvlgari snake necklace in the “Look What You Made Me Do” music video

1 June 2016 Taylor and Calvin’s breakup is reported:


About a week after Harris was hospitalized following a car accident, PEOPLE exclusively confirmed that his and Swift's romance had come to an end after 15 months. A source close to the couple told PEOPLE "...No one cheated."


8 June 2016 Lily introduced a Bvlgari snake purse to her wardrobe (pre Snakegate):

13 June 2016 Taylor rents Cornelia St apartment while her Franklin St place undergoes renovations:

Looks like Taylor Swift really knows how to “shake it off” after her public breakup with Calvin Harris. The Post reports that the pop star is undertaking a $535,000 renovation on her Tribeca penthouse, according to permits filed with the DOB. And TMZ got the scoop on where she’ll be residing during construction — the West Village carriage house of Soho House executive David Aldea, which is renting for $40,000 a month. Aldea renovated the five-story home at 23 Cornelia Street a few years ago, outfitting it with an indoor swimming pool, two master bedrooms, a two-story patio, private garage, and tastefully moody decor. The third floor hosts the “grand master” and “south master,” both of which have terraces. The entire roof is dedicated to outdoor entertaining.

16 June 2016 HiddleSwift is on-seen kissing on the beach:


4 July 2016 The 4th of July Party:


Taylor Swift hosted several celebs at a massive weekend-long Fourth of July beach party near her Rhode Island home, including Blake Lively and husband Ryan Reynolds, Cara Delevingne, Karlie Kloss, Uzo Aduba, Ruby Rose and Gigi Hadid.

13 July 2016 Taylor’s team announce that she co-wrote ‘This is What You Came For’:


Taylor Swift co-wrote Calvin Harris and Rihanna's “This Is What You Came For,” a representative for Swift confirmed to Rolling Stone. The singer-songwriter used the pseudonym Nils Sjoberg for the song. TMZ initially reported that Swift had penned the EDM hit, having been revealed by sources connected to the singer.

18 July 2016 snakegate:

19 July 2016 Lily visits St. Tropez:



20 July 2016 Lily is photographed on the Ecstasea yacht in St Tropez:

The actor—who's been recently connected to Nina Agdal—held his annual Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation gala in St. Tropez on Wednesday night to help raise funds and awareness for environmental causes. While stars like Mariah Carey and Bradley Cooper were in attendance, the real stars of the evening were all the supermodels! Constance Jablonski, Joan Smalls, Doutzen Kroes, Lily Donaldson, Naomi Campbell, Coco Rocha, Barbara Palvin and Petra Nemcova all dressed up for the A-list evening held on the French Riviera.


3 August 2016 Taylor facetimes Karlie for her birthday:

Also 8/3/16 Based on the white tee and overalls, Taylor wrote part of King Of My Heart the same day:


4 August 2016 Liz posts a throwback to the Vogue photoshoot at the Bowery:


15 August 2016 Karlie says Kim K is a ‘lovely person’ in an interview:



In an interview with the UK’s The Times, supermodel and T. Swift BFF Karlie Kloss revealed that she thinks Swift’s arch-nemesis Kim Kardashian West is a “lovely person.” Kloss attempted to broker for neutrality with her seemingly innocuous statement —”I think she’s been a lovely person to me in the past” — but in the beef of our generation, there is no neutrality. As the many celebrity friends and foes who have weighed in on this very important cultural issue have indicated, there are only two teams: Team Swift or Team Kimye. This puts Kloss, a key member of the Taylor Swift Friendship Industrial Complex (otherwise known as the “Squad”) firmly into enemy territory. Your move, Taylor.

6 September 2016 Hiddleswift call it quits:

11 September 2016 Karlie is at the US Open with sketchy wealthy and elite people:





29 September 2016 Cara Delevingne leaves Taylor’s home in a onesie:

12 October 2016 Taylor, Cara, Lily, Lorde, Suki, minus Karlie plus Zoe Kravitz went to dinner at Waverly Inn before a private screening of Kings of Leon concert:



Lily (snake purse)-

Also on 10/12/2016 Taylor and her entourage went over to the Cornelia Street townhome for drinks prior to the concert:

Thirdly on 10/12/16 After Party at the Bowery Hotel:


13 October 2016 Eliot Sumner concert at the Bowery Ballroom:

Taylor and a group of her friends including Karlie and Lily Donaldson and  Zoe Kravitz are papped at the Bowery Ballroom. 

This is the first time that Taylor is spotted with the golden heart tattoo around her neck-

13 October 2016 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


15-18 October 2016 Dianna and Winston Marshall get married in a 3 day celebration:


16 October 2016 Lily posts Taylor’s cat, Olivia, on her stories:

22 October 2016 Perez Hilton claims that Taylor’s dating someone new (take with a grain of salt):


10/23/16 Taylor and Karlie attend Drake’s Birthday Party at Delilah in West Hollywood:



31 October 2016 Taylor hosts Halloween with her Squad in NYC (Karlie is not there):



Swift shared her take on the masked avenger on Instagram, posing alongside several squad members, including Martha Hunt as a football-injured Marcia Brady, Gigi Hadid as a cub scout, Lily Donaldson as a scantily clad astronaut, and Camila Cabello as an old lady looking for her missing cat (cheekily named Meredith, after Swift’s pet). And if you think the pop star’s Deadpool costume looks like the real deal, that’s because it is. In a later photo posted on Instagram, Swift thanked friend Ryan Reynolds for lending her the getup: “You’re the best Deadpool inside contact ever.”


There are numerous public photos of Lily inside Cornelia Street - something that no other muse candidate for this song can claim. Lily was at Cornelia Street for Halloween, where Taylor is spilling wine in the bathtub.



Note the photo credit-


Also 10/31/16 Lily posts a video of Taylor’s cat, Olivia on her stories:

1 November 2016 rumor that Taylor’s jet flew to London and back:

I don’t have jet tracking info, so if you do, send me some proofs to substantiate or disprove this.

7 November 2016 Taylor hosts Lorde’s birthday party:

This is the last time Karlie and Taylor are seen together until 2018. 


22 November 2016 Ruby Rose talks about Taylor in an interview:


Ruby went on to say that Taylor is an "amazing" and "supportive" friend, and that she feels "very, very thankful" to have her in her life.

24 November 2016 Thanksgiving in Nashville:


Taylor picked Lily up from the airport when she flew to visit her on Thanksgiving weekend (late November) and Lily snapchatted: "My Uber driver is so pretty.” 




Tilly- Honestly, to me, it looks like Taylor is most snuggly w/Martha hunt-



The "Bad Blood" songstress also shared a photo alongside Martha Hunt, who shared the same shot to her own Instagram profile with the caption, "Thanksgiving cuddles." 


There are 7 people in addition to Taylor and her 3 immediate family members-

26 November 2016 Liz tweets about Clean, possibly signaling her and Bryan have broken up by this point:

5 December 2016 Lily wears Bulgari snake jewelry:

13 December 2016 Taylor’s 27th Birthday Party in London:

(We know Taylor celebrated her birthday in London in 2016 because the bakery who made the cake said so):

Also on 12/13/16 Lily wishes Taylor happy birthday:

Also on 12/13/16 Liz wishes Taylor happy birthday with a post about Charleston (captions vary based on site):


This also signals to me that her and Bryan are over, since she’s reminiscing on Taylor picking her up off the ground after her breakup with Jason:


Also on 12/13/16 Karlie’s Birthday Post for Taylor (and Gigi’s for funsies):


Of note:  in the caption Karlie calls Taylor her “sister”

3 January 2017 Taylor’s diary says she has been based in London for 3 months by this date:


When Taylor releases the Lover Diaries, a wing-shaped diary entry says Taylor has been with her new lover for 3 months and that she is "essentially based in London" where they are hiding out. Taylor moves to a rental apartment in London that winter.



I give that the side eye here:


MY question is why are there no articles, jet tracking, or pictures talking about this London place when every other place Taylor has rented or purchased is all over the internet? If you have info about when or where please comment.


It seems that Lily was physically inside Taylor’s London rental apartment several times, due to comparisons between architectural features of the rental house (many public photos of it are available and Taylor has since moved out).

5 January 2017 Taylor posts a birthday collage for Suki Waterhouse on Instagram:

(I couldn’t find a primary source that showed the tags, but it’s rumored Lily Donaldson was tagged, and may have taken the pictures)

20 January 2017 Trump’s inauguration:

I saw a rumor that Josh attends with his family, but was unable to substantiate it.


21 January 2017 Josh Kushner (sans Karlie) is the only Trump associate known to have attended the Women’s March on Washington:


27 January 2017 Taylor released the “I Don’t Want to Live Forever” music video (shot in London) on Lily’s birthday:


Also 1/27/17 Taylor posts for Lily’s birthday:

Lily is a painter who originally planned to study art before starting modeling. From the looks of Taylor's birthday post for Lily, we have confirmation that Taylor and Lily painted together. 

Also 1/27/17 Lily left a comment on Taylor’s post:

Was Taylor inspired by this hobby they took up together for the Reputation Magazine, where Delicate and Gorgeous polaroids are also painted?

5 February 2017 Taylor performs and take pics backstage w/famous celebs including Ruby Rose:



Orange is the New Black co-star Ruby Rose DJed sets before and after Swift's appearance.

18 April 2017 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


25 April 2017 Fans notice Dianna is having her Wonderland tattoo removed while she’s at the Chanel Artists Dinner in New York:

30 April 2017 Lily likes a comment telling Taylor they miss her:

17 May 2017 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


Also 5/17/17 Media starts reporting that Taylor is dating Joe Alwyn:


3 June 2017 The Daily Mail publishes very similar articles talking about how Taylor, then Lily are dating new men:


Could be a coincidence, but could also be planned PR…


5 June 2017 AP reports Taylor is house hunting in London’s Chelsea area:

And now we have an article giving Taylor a reason to be in London…



Taylor Swift has been house-hunting in London’s affluent area of Chelsea. The ‘Shake It Off’ hitmaker has been spending considerably more time with her boyfriend Joe Alwyn in his native England over the past few months and it looks like things are going so well that she’s now keen to have a base on this side of the pond… The 27-year-old beauty reportedly viewed a couple of properties on an exclusive street in the West London district last month - meaning she would be neighbours with some of the ‘Made in Chelsea’ cast and Duchess Catherine’s sister Pippa Middleton. The insider explained: “She’s been very discreetly viewing properties after stumping up a fortune on north London rentals recently. Some of the places have been a stone’s throw away from where Pippa Middleton lives.

Also 6/5/17 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):

Also 6/5/17  Zoe comes out as queer on Watch What Happens Live:


4 July 2017 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


11 July 2017 Liz tells a fan that You Are In Love and All Too Well are her favorite songs from 1989 and Red (guess her favorite song is no longer This Love…):


13 July 2017 Taylor wrote End Game:


11 August 2017 Liz releases STFU and Hold Me:


27 August 2017 Look What You Made Me Do music video released:


The opening scene features a Met Gala 2014 Taylor being buried (see 5//14)


It’s the second time this night is being referenced in a music video by Taylor, the first being Wildest Dreams (see 5/30/15)


Cara wasn’t on the Junior Jewels shirt-



Fans also notice that Karlie’s name isn’t on the new Junior Jewels shirt: 


In the video, which MTV debuted during the Video Music Awards on Sunday, August 27, Swift, 26, recreated the “Junior Jewels” top that she wore during her 2008 “You Belong With Me” music video. So, who made the cut? BFF Selena Gomez, Gigi Hadid and Lena Dunham’s names were given prominent spots in the front. Other names written in marker included Ed Sheeran, Patrick Stewart, Abigail Anderson, Martha Hunt, Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds (Blake & Ryan), Todrick Hall, Claire Kislinger and Haim sisters Este, Alana and Danielle. Fans were quick to notice who appeared to be left out — Karlie Kloss, Lorde, Ruby Rose and Hailee Steinfeld.

Also of note we have 8 queers wearing I love TS tans and follow her every command:


Joe Jonas, Taylor Lautner, Jake Gyllenhaal, John Mayer, Connor Kennedy, Harry Styles, Calvin Harris, Tom Hiddleston = 8 beards to this point.


And there’s a model assembly line that Taylor is instructing:


The woman literally showed us her whole play book, but heteronormativity works hardest of all…

31 August 2017 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):

12 September 2017 The video for STFU & Hold Me is out:

This MV has a LOT of parallels to the IKYWT video. The lyrics talk about “staring with a bang” (”took off faster than a green light go”?) and reckless abandon (”this path is reckless”). MV parallels are as follows (thank you @mercuryonparklane​ for all the help finding this):

Is Liz trying to signal that she was the muse for IKYWT?

30 September 2017 Liz has an interview with The Young Folks:

She says that STFU and Hold Me is about “getting to that point in a relationship where you’re sick of going around and around talking about the same issue with your partner and it’s time to wave the white flag,” Huett says. “We’ve all been there.” Of the lyrics “I’m coming from a line of problems / I was born and I became a product” Liz says “I’m not exactly the most polished person. I’d rather be real than perfect and sometimes that means I say things that make people uncomfortable or act out in relationships and test limits, etc… I’m an honest mess but I believe I can and should be loved in light of that. :)”

October 2017 some parts of the End Game music video were shot in London:


12 JANUARY 2018

Taylor Swift has revealed the highly anticipated video for her new single End Game, which was partially shot in London last October.

While the video also features glamorous scenes in Miami and Tokyo, the London sections of the clip celebrates the unseen and underappreciated areas of the city.

Next, we head to proper London boozer The Bull & Gate in Kentish Town. It's a lovely old Young's pub with an old-school feel, which is playing host to Swift and her friends for the evening. There’s a big crowd in and only two servers, so we hope the singer got a big round in, or they’ll have been waiting ages.

Lily mentions over and over again that she is from Kentish Town-


One of the Nicebody Ed songs originally included a Spotify canvas that features part of the “Welcome to Kentish Town" mural. Not only is that once again referencing Lily’s hometown, but that exact mural is located on the same street where the End Game kabob shop scene was filmed with Taylor wearing the Lavender Haze-style jacket.

Niceboy Ed video has a Kentish Town sign:



Who is Niceboy Ed and how does he relate to Taylor, you ask?


Niceboy Ed is a music artist who blew up when Swift used a song of his in a TikTok video showing the behind-the-scenes when making of her recent hit album Midnights.  When Swifties searched Niceboy Ed up after Swift used his song, they noted how there was little information out there about the singer with the only photos out there appearing to be him as a child that have been used as cover art for his song.

Now he's back as many have noticed 10 blank Polaroid pictures on the musician's page and according to fans who have joined his mailing list some of the photos have been unlocked. Polaroids are associated with Swift's '1989' album where the album cover features a Polaroid photo of a partially cropped Swift.

Meanwhile, a particular pale blue colour has been posted all over his website and social media accounts is a colour that is also associated with '1989,' since that's the shade used to symbolise the fifth album on Swift's Eras tour and her recent '1989' merch was also a pale blue too. This has led to fans to describe his connection to Swift as "suspicious" and have theorised who he is:

Theories of his identity range from Swift's actor boyfriend Joe Alwyn who has proved his musical credentials by collaborating with Swift previously on her folklore and evermore albums under the pseudonym William Bowery, as well as having blond hair like the young boy in Niceboy Ed's cover art.

Others believe the mysterious singer is Alywn's best friend who is called Ed and is part of his longtime friend group, the “Frosty Crew,” whom Swift is also allegedly cool with, Vulture reported.

Swift's brother Austin Swift is also another possibility since he allegedly covered his sister's songLook What You Made Me Do back in 2020 under the fake alternative rock/indie band thought to be made by the Swift siblings and Jack Antonoff called Jack Leopards & The Dolphin Club.

Some believe it could even be Swift herself and that the Anti-Hero singer has warped her voice to create a new sound.

Or maybe Swift just decided to use a Niceboy Ed's song because she liked it and we've all gone down the Easter Egg rabbit hole when he may actually be an individual artist.



23 October 2017 Blind (take with a grain of salt):


If this A+ list singer is really dating this foreign born nobody, then she might want to have a word with him about that former male classmate of his that he has been spending nights with several times each week. 


Taylor Swift / Joe Alwyn

27 October 2017 Liz releases H8U:

I do think the MV makes a deliberate Taylor reference, with the interrupting the wedding scene. Taylor famously had Liz dress as the Bridezilla on the Speak Now album art:

And, at the end of the H8U MV, Liz DOES kiss the blonde bride on the mouth after interrupting her wedding... which is... INTERESTING (especially since Liz is dressed in full RED the whole MV):

1 November 2017 Liz obsesses over Reputation:

3 November 2017 Call it What you Want lyric video:

White out under the “call it” seems sus…


True or false? When the masculine pronouns "he" or "his" appear, they are either circled in red or rewritten in red over lyrics someone has used white out on?

Here is my Speech Science assessment of “call it” vs. “Karlie”-

8 November 2017 Karlie Kloss presents at the Country Music Awards:

When presenters Karlie Kloss and Bobby Bones took the stage to present the award for Song of the Year, Kloss probably wasn't aware that she was going to grant it to one of her besties. The award went to the 2016 single "Better Man," which was made famous by Little Big Town. However, the Song of the Year award is given to the songwriter, not the performing artist, so Taylor Swift — who penned the tune — was the recipient of the honor. She was not able to attend the show, so the members of Little Big Town accepted the award on her behalf.

My note:  Did I mention Kelsea Ballerini was there?!

9 November 2017 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):

10 November 2017 Reputation released:

11/10/17 On Reputation is the song, Dress:

14 November 2017 The Making of Delicate music video:

Same as this one?

But definitely same as this one

15 November 2017 Taylor posts an IG story with photos of her Liz and Caitlin in Australia in the background:

13 December 2017 Liz wishes Taylor happy birthday:

19 December 2017 In a now deleted tweet Liz obsesses over New Year’s Day:

11 January 2018 End Game music video was released:


The title card for the Tokyo scenes comes on at 1:27 in the video, January 27 being Lily’s birthday


I tried to substantiate the rumor that Lily attended the Tokyo show, but other than L-Chat rumors and Gaylors spreading the L-Chat rumors, I couldn’t find anything.  If anyone has a primary source (tag/location/date) please put it in the comments!

And don’t forget some of the video was filmed in Kentish Town

The fuzzy lavender jacket seen at the end of End Game music video reappears in the Lavender Haze music video, which was released on Lily’s birthday (see 1/27/23).

17 January 2018 Zoe gets a snake tattooed on her left forearm:

Could be unrelated to Taylor, but she gets it 11/10/17, about 2 months after the heavily snake-laden Reputation album was released.

30 January 2018 Calvin Harris tweets that he “grew a beard” to be taken seriously by the Grammys:


25 February 2018 Karlie and Josh hang out with Scooter Braun:

7 March 2018 Joe and Taylor are papped hiking in Malibu because “dark jeans and your Nikes”: 

10 March 2018 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


15 March 2018 Enty Blind Item (take with a grain of salt):



He is supposed to stay home alone or just hang out with family when he is not with this A+ list singer for precisely the reason that I am writing this. He hooked up with a guy in the past two weeks who he met on Grindr. One misstep and the carefully laid plans of the A+ lister would go out the window.


Joe Alywn / Taylor Swift

26 March 2018 Karlie and Josh went to the anti-gun march and rally:

Josh Kushner, younger brother to White House adviser Jared Kushner and brother-in-law to Ivanka Trump, attended Saturday's March for Our Lives event in Washington, D.C., after reportedly donating $50,000 to the anti-gun violence movement earlier this month.The younger Kushner's girlfriend, supermodel Karli Kloss, also attended Saturday's rally. The younger Kushner, an entrepreneur, did not vote for his brother's father-in-law in 2016, according to a spokesman who told Esquire at the time that he was a "lifelong Democrat." (Jared Kushner has donated $11,000 to Hillary Clinton alone.) Josh Kushner also attended last year's Women's March in D.C. the day following President Trump's inauguration, telling fellow marchers that he was there "observing," according to the Washingtonian. Prior to attending the march sparked by last month's school shooting in Parkland, Fla., Kushner "quietly" donated $50,000 to the March for Our Lives organization, Axios reported. Kloss posted an Instagram from Saturday's rally over the weekend, and on Sunday Kushner published a photo of her holding a sign that read, "Load minds not guns."

19 May 2018 Reputation in Pasadena. Liz attends. Surprise Song: All Too Well:  

31 May 2018 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):

9 June 2018 Babe music video aka one of the most unhinged things Taylor has ever done:

Swift wrote the treatment (concept) of the music video and Sugarland loved it! The video was shot last month on the set of the show Mad Men. “She actually reached out to us and said, ‘I’ve got a great idea for the video,’ and she wrote the treatment. And we looked at it and said, ‘Oh my gosh, this is awesome.’ She loves this song. She loves our recording of it. She’s been such a champion of ours, not only for many, many years, but also where this project is concerned. She’s just super excited that we’re doing it.

Here are some comparisons between this Babe video and Sam Smith’s video that Dianna starred in-



Similarities (note the time stamps)-

cheating happens at the same timestamp 

cheating husband coming home, same timestamp:

wifey drinking out by the pool:

wifey fiddling with ring:

cheaters drinking it up together:

wifies drinking it up as well (several times both in the mv):

wives do away with the husband’s clothes:

There are many EXACT duplicate moments at the EXACT timestamp! And many twinning moments.

9 July 2018 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):

23 July 2018 Enty blind (take with a grain of salt):


It is pretty interesting that this very tall alliterate model is sharing a platonic (for now) cabin with another woman while her supposed boyfriend is hooking up with his long time boyfriend who pretends to hookup with the other woman in the platonic roommate situation. 

Karlie Kloss/Misha Nonoo and Josh Kushner/Mikey Hess


24 July 2018 Karlie and Josh get engaged:

“Yes a million times…”



I don’t have a graph or anything, but it’s rumored that Karlie lost 12K followers in the hours after the announcement. The proposal was apparently a few weeks prior to the post. 

24 July 2018 Enty blind (take with a grain of salt):


There may be a wedding, but there will certainly never be any type of consummation of said wedding. A fading model has to look out for her best interest and this is the perfect situation for that and for all involved. I think of it as this generation’s Barry Diller/Diane Von Furstenberg except our model will get a reality show a lot sooner in life.

Karlie Kloss / Josh Kushner

13 August 2018 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):

15 August 2018 Enty blind (take with a grain of salt):


The tall, alliterate model would like the world to believe she is getting married, and by all means she might. It is a great cover for both of them. I do wonder what would happen to that woman she has been seeing so much the past few months that the woman practically lives with our model.

Karlie Koss / Joshua Kushner


Also 8/15/18 King of my Heart still video released:


Karlie is in a music video (not Taylor’s) filmed prior to 3/20/15


UPDATE: The Inez & Vinoodh-directed video for “I’ll Be There” stars supermodel Karlie Kloss watching old footage of Chic and grinding in her apartment. You can watch it below.



In in she watches Motown and dances/writhes suggestively. It looks almost masturbatory, honestly. Taylor is saying in this line Karlie moves to her like that (sex).









“Move to me like I’m a Motown beat” takes on a whole new meaning

25 August  2018 Reputation Tour: Nashville Karlie and her sisters attend:


Taylor sings Better Man as the surprise song. 

Karlie and her sisters moved to the B-Stage before Taylor sang Dress on that stage. 

Karlie posts a pic with Taylor afterwards. Taylor doesn’t like it.

26 August 2018 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


27 August 2018 Taylor’s friend Abigail posts about the Rep show:


Karlie, is NOT in this pic of “realllllll friends”

1 September 2018 Enty Blind Item (take with a grain of salt):



Apparently this foreign born C- list actor was plucked from obscurity and into the boyfriend role by a professor who taught him at drama school. They were specifically looking for someone who wanted a career in acting, was unknown and not from the US. I want a book about it someday. The A+ lister really thought this one through this time.


Joe Alwyn / Taylor Swift

13 September 2018 Zoe Kravitz article about her running with the wolves photo shoot:


By Desiree Murphy

Published: 10:24 AM PDT, September 13, 2018

The 'Big Little Lies' star goes makeup-free and runs with wolves for the cover of 'Harper's BAZAAR's October issue.


Zoë Kravitz has gone completely unretouched in her latest photo shoot.

The Big Little Lies star appears makeup-free on the cover of Harper's BAZAAR's October issue, and in her accompanying interview with the magazine -- conducted by her co-star, Reese Witherspoon -- she gets candid about why she said yes to the shoot, her childhood and her famous family.

21 September 2018 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


23 September 2018 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


4 October 2018 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


18 October 2018 Karlie and Josh get married in upstate New York:

Scooter attends 

Karlie posts the wedding on Instagram. 

Taylor likes the post - her first like of a Karlie post since 2016. 

19 October 2018 a puffy-looking Taylor (sorry, but tears) shows her arrival in Perth:




Also 10/19/18 Taylor plays I Knew You Were Trouble as the surprise song in Perth:


21 October 2018 Taylor posts ‘Let the Games Begin’:

22 October 2018 articles with secret pics of Karlie’s reception surface:

28 October 2018 Taylor meets Ruby Rose’s family in Australia:



1 November 2018 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


19 November 2018 Taylor leaves Big Machine and signs with Universal:


Swift also clarified that she will own the master recordings of any music she makes from now on – a lucrative detail assumed to have been a deal-breaker in her relationship with BMLG, which owns the masters to Swift’s first six albums. In August, Variety reported that BMLG, which is distributed by UMG, has derived up to 80% of its revenue from Swift’s music in recent years.

20-21 November 2018 Reputation ends in Tokyo and it’s speculated that Lily attends:


Also 11/20-24/18 Fans Post on SM:

[I’m not trying to be a creeper, here. I’m trying to establish that somebody who has dated, location-stamped, 

picture proof of being at the Tokyo show saw Lily Donaldson there.]



24 November 2018 Lily is posted to Dr. Bones’ Instagram after visiting his Tokyo practice:




5 December 2018 Taylor performs Delicate with Hayley Kiyoko:


7 January 2019 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


6 February 2019 Karlie Kloss (so does Joe Alwyn) attends Tom Ford FW19 Fashion Show at Park Avenue Armory on February 06, 2019 in New York City:


Side Eye is given (see 8/3/20)

13 February 2019 Karlie hosts a Galentine’s party in NYC:



American model and Victoria’s Secret Angel Karlie Kloss hosted an all-female Galentine’s Day dinner, inviting her closest friends and models to celebrate the unofficial holiday, reports the Daily Mail on Feb 13. Kloss hosted the event this past Tuesday, at Il Buco Alimentari & Vineria, an Italian-Mediterranean restaurant in Manhattan. While her close friend, Taylor Swift, was not in attendance, Kloss did manage to round up a few notable guests for the occasion — including Doutzen Kroes, Noor, Joan Smalls, Karen Elson, and plus-size model Ashley Graham.


24 February 2019 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


Also 2/24/19 Taylor and Joe and Dianna and Zoe attend Vanity Fair Oscars Party (I didn’t see any evidence they interacted):



Also 2/24/19 Taylor posts:

Reminds me of:  


Taylor via Twitter: NO PROBLEMS TODAY JUST CHAMPAGNE🥂 I wanted to share this video with you from when Aaron Dessner and I were doing our fittings for the video and there was a piano, so ofc this happened. SO stoked evermore has been honored like this. Congrats to all our fellow nominees GRAMMYs


25 February 2019 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


26 Feb 2019 Dianna just now posts about the party:

She also comments to a friend that they stayed out until 3AM.


6 March 2019 Taylor’s 30 things I learned before turning 30 Interview:



March 7, 2019 Dianna sees Fleabag at SoHo House:

17 April 2019 Christian Siriano hints he’s working on a project for Taylor:


Speaking with Entertainment Tonight, the fashion designer wouldn't confirm the specifics of what he had planned for Taylor, but he did share some details regarding its debut. "She might wear it to the grocery store," he said. In the interview, he also wouldn't specify whether he was involved with a dress featured in Taylor's current social media rollout for new music.

20 April 2019 Bops and Flops podcast releases “The Gaylor Report” episode:

They say that Taylor will come out in a Rolling Stone interview. 



They claim to have a close friend who works for an “esteemed publication” and with someone that is part of the New York underground lesbian scene, and that this person was getting info from someone who works for Taylor. They say they kept quiet about it “for almost a year” (October/November 2018) but revealed it because they think she’s coming out on the 26th. 



23 April 2019 TIME 100 Gala NYC:


Taylor performs New Years Day, and seems to sing “I want her midnights” at 0:56 and 1:38. 


Buzzfeed News includes it in an article a few days later:


As does Vulture:


25 April 2019 Taylor reveals butterfly mural:


Painted by Kelsey Montague 

…the mural also looks impossibly similar to a giant set of rainbow butterfly wings that Karlie Kloss rocked at the 2013 Victoria’s Secret fashion show — you know, that same year she and Taylor walked the runway together. 


26 April 2019 - ME! Out now on Lesbian Visibility Day:


20 May 2019 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


1 June 2019 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


7 June 2019 Christian Siriano teases a rainbow dress and the comment section goes wild w/speculation that it could be for Taylor:


12 June 2019 Taylor Swift adds London Boy to the tracklist of Lover at the last minute:


THIS PAST JUNE, R&B singer Cautious Clay was on tour in Bergen, Norway when he received a frantic 2 a.m. phone call from his lawyer. “They were like, ‘You have to approve this sample….We need an answer in 24 hours.” The request was coming from an unlikely source: Taylor Swift. The popstar in the later stages of putting together her forthcoming album, Lover, and she was interested in incorporating the beat of Cautious Clay’s 2018 song “Cold War. Two months later, when Swift released her seventh album album in August, Clay was one of very few outside writers to be credited on the album. Her song “London Boy” used an interpolation of the rhythm on “Cold War,” making Clay just the second-ever artist to be interpolated on a Swift recording (Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy” was credited on 2017’s “Look What You Made Me Do”). 


London Boy has a lot of coincidences that match Lily’s life:

15 June 2019 Taylor does a surprise performance at Stonewall Inn (alone, and not in a rainbow dress):

Also 6/15/19 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):

17 June 2019 Liz likes Taylor’s post announcing YNTCD is out:

25 June 2019 Scott Swift skipped the shareholder’s meeting that discussed the terms of selling Taylor’s masters:

Also 6/25/19 Blind Item (take w/a grain of salt):


29 June 2019 Zoe Kravitz gets married to Karl Glusman:


June 2019 Taylor and Zoe are working in Jack Antinof’s studio around the same time, per IG posts:

7 June 2019 Christian Siriano posts the rainbow dress:



8 June 2019  The r/TaylorSwift subreddit discusses the possibility it’s for Taylor:


6/16/19 You Need to Calm Down Video Teaser:

In dispute:  Is it Karlie’s hand?

25 June 2019 Karlie’s second Wedding:



Cowboy like me


30 June 2019 Billy Porter wore the rainbow dress to Pride instead of Taylor:


As well as Billy pulls it off, the dress doesn’t look like it was designed with him in mind, given the fit and the skin-toned panels that don’t match his.

The original sketches look like it was designed for a woman, and in June of 2021 he liked and shared this fan edit of Taylor in the dress, and in 2022 Christian Siriano duetted a video of a Gaylor discussing the theory that the dress was for Taylor, sips tea and leaves the frame. 

Also on 6/30/19 Taylor pens a letter about the sale of her Masters:


August 2019 Karlie’s interview with British Vogue  talks about her ongoing conversion to Judaism for Josh:

Karlie explains her relationship with Orthodox Judaism by saying: ““It wasn’t enough to just love Josh and make this decision for him,” she continued. “This is my life and I am an independent, strong woman. It was only after many years of studying and talking with my family and friends and soul searching that I made the decision to fully embrace Judaism in my life and start planning for a future with the man I chose to marry.”

3 August 2019 Scooter posts for Karlie’s birthday:

6 August 2019 Karlie and Josh Yacht with Scooter:


(Also see 7/10/20)



The yacht in question is owned by David Geffen, and has been frequented by many celebrities and wealthy people:



Misha Nonoo and Karlie Kloss are back holidaying together after their recent exotic break with Princess Beatrice, but this time they're joined by another unexpected celebrity guest, Sir Paul McCartney and entrepreneur wife Nancy Shevell.



According to reports (via Hello!), the high-profile and eclectic group - which also included Diane von Furstenberg - have been sailing around the Mediterranean on music producer David Geffen's luxury yacht, Rising Sun.


I’m not trying to be a Scooter/Karlie apologist, but you have to put the yacht trips in context.  Scooter, Jeff Bezoz, Oprah, Paul McCartney, Harry Styles, Leonardo DiCaprio–soooooo many people have ended up at these David Geffen yacht parties.  And Karlie has been on this yacht with various people on multiple different yacht outings at least 3-4 times that I saw. So is it a slap in Taylor’s face?  Maybe.  But also, rich people gonna rich people.

8 August 2019 Taylor was interviewed by Vogue, saying the widely interpreted, “community I’m not a part of”:


I have a lot to say about it, too much to say in the timeline.  See:

22 August 2019 Taylor releases the Lover MV, featuring the “breakable heaven” board game: 

In the bottom left corner, you can spot a blue 0527. May 27th is Liz’s birthday. 

What does this mean? I don’t know.


Also in the Lover video Taylor’s modified family crest appears

The snake makes as “S” and the butterfly makes a “K”


The crest keeps appearing:


23 August 2019 Lover album is released:

Let's look at her Junior Jewels shirt with all the names of her friends on it. Notice how the only name with a cursive first letter that we see is Lily. Does the L look familiar? The rest are just a plain printed cap. We even have Lena's name for an additional example of L. Isn't it convenient that she has a Lily A also? I think we know better.

I’d call this a maybe.

8/23/19 With Lover, Cruel Summer is released:




Summers a knife-


26 August 2019 Dianna is spotted without her wedding ring:


28 August 2019 Liz posts on Twitter a screenshot of her listening to Cornelia Street:

3 Sep 2019 Lover Live Lounge at Taylor’s New York Home:


There’s a major vibe change in the Lover Era:  Taylor is wearing black instead of her usual bright pastel Lover era colors, and she seems upset.


September 8, 2019 Taylor is noted to be at a Fleabag performance in London at the at Wyndham Theater:

Fleabag is back on the West End, and naturally, tickets to the revival of the one woman show that became a TV phenomenon are completely sold out. As a result, dedicated fans have been queuing at the box office of London's Wyndham Theatre, hoping to secure a ticket on the day. One person who most likely didn't have to queue for a ticket? Taylor Swift, who was spotted watching Fleabag from a box at the theatre on Friday night, as Metro reports. Swift is an enormous fan of the show; what's more, she'll be appearing on Saturday Night Live alongside host Waller-Bridge on October 5th. "Ever since I saw Fleabag, I’ve been all ‘I can’t wait to see this woman host @nbcsnl’ and it’s happening now + I get to be there too = I am in shambles," she tweeted when the news broke in August.

September 23, 2019 Dianna posts about Phoebe Waller Bridge (who wrote Fleabag, and EPs Killing Eve among other things):


Later Taylor writes an essay using this photo (see 9/24/20)

27 September 2019 Karlie puts her West Village apartment on the market:



5 October 2019  Dianna watches Taylor at SNL:


Taylor is the musical guest, Phoebe Waller Bridge hosts and Dianna shows up looking smug, and showing off her VIP guest pass (that can only be granted by a cast member, host, or musical guest.)


16 October 2019 Liz comments on a fan’s video of Taylor performing at the NPR Tiny Desk concert saying “she cute”: 

29 October 2019 Karlie “likes” Taylor’s Instagram post [this matters because it’ll be 1814 days until she does it again]:

(see 9/11/24)

14 November 2019 Taylor posts about Scooter blocking her from performing her music:


Also 11/14/19 Karlie draws criticism for not supporting Taylor, and instead posting a series of pictures of herself: 

19 November 2019 - Liz says on IG that her favorite songs from Lover are The Archer and Cornelia Street:

22 November 2019 Liz releases That’s What You Get:

This is the one late-stage Liz song that I FULLY BELIEVE is about TayLiz due to a few very specific lyric parallels:

“That’s what you get when you recklessly fall in love” >> “This path is reckless” from Treacherous


“That’s what you get for keeping your armor up” >> “You come around and the armor falls” from State of Grace >> “I would put my armor down if you said you’d rather love than fight” from Story of Us.


“And all your friends are lining up to hate me” >> “You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me” from WANEGBT >> “First shot’s fired everybody’s gathered around” from Battle >> “I can't run to your friends anymore / To get them on my side when we fight anymore” from Don’t LV U Anymore.

It also, just from an outside perspective, doesn’t make any sense for Liz to write a breakup song about Bryan blaming herself when it seems very clear to me that they broke up because Bryan wanted to be with Jillian instead. That’s not her fault.

25 November 2019 Liz does an AMA and talks about Taylor’s performance:

6 December 2019 Liz talks about ‘That’s What You get’ song with Earmilk (online music publication):

Late 2019 Lily Donaldson goes dark on social media.

27 January 2020 “The Man” single is released on Lily’s birthday:


31 January 2020 Miss Americana Documentary is released:


Rumor:  30-40 min or 20% or a substantial chunk of the film was edited out at the last minute:


Interview with documentarian, Lana Wilson-


``How long was the initial cut?

Lana Wilson: The first cut we ever did was 72 minutes. I like having a really tight cut and then kind of enriching and expanding it from there. The final film is 86 minutes. The first cut—the main difference was that it didn’t have a lot of back story and flashbacks. That’s really what we added to give more context and depth to the present tense story.

So there wasn’t one of those four-hour cuts that we’re so used to hearing about?

Lana Wilson: I don’t do that. That’s never been a part of my process. I like figuring out what the story is and that’s the spine, and then fleshing out, expanding and deepening around that.

Another interview-

Making an 85-minute movie with hours and hours of footage to choose from is a difficult task, so Wilson filled us in on what was left on the cutting room floor, and why:

  • Kanye West’s Side Of The Story 
  • The Big Machine Drama
  • More of the songwriting process. 
    • “There’s so much more songwriting stuff [we cut],” Wilson said. “That was hard to whittle down. At one point, I know we had like a 40-minute version of her writing ‘Only the Young.’”
  • The manicure scene. 
    • In one of the cutest scenes in the doc, Swift paints her friend and collaborator Todrick Hall’s nails backstage at the 2019 VMAs. She tells him she’s acted as her own personal manicurist for a year now because she realized “I really like having cute nails, but I really can’t go [to a salon] in public.” “That scene was actually an hour long,” Wilson said. “It was so relaxing to film. She did his nails for like an hour, and she was doing all these steps that almost no manicurist knows how to do!”


Third interview-


The film primarily covers about two years. But then, you have to ask, what elements of her backstory and her past do you need to know in order to have the context for the emotional journey she’s on now? 

She’s had this 15-year career already, so we had an overwhelming amount of material to choose from. We ended up, in the edit room, deciding to use the archival footage as sparingly as possible; we just used what you needed to know to understand where she was coming from, and why [the decision to speak out] was so profound for her.


[Me here] 

My conclusion is that as much as I’d like to believe some secret footage was cut at the last minute, I did not find any direct indication that there were major cuts.  It sounds like there was a solid 72 minutes, and then they added a bit of archival footage at the end to make it 85 min.  

The stuff the documentarian talks about cutting out could be different or she could have omitted other things that were cut in this retelling, but the edits seem clear cut (pun!) from the interview…  

That said, if anyone has better evidence, please leave it in the comments!


Twinning again-


For more twinning see (July 2012; 7/25/12; 2/5/15; 10/24/23)

January 2020 Lily edits her Instagram birthday post for Taylor to remove the “AT” and ❤️ emoji:



I just went to Lily’s Instagram page, and sure enough on the birthday post it says, “Edited”



  Which is a very random thing to do many years later, out of the blue, if that was just your friend.


3 March 2020 Enty blind item (take with a grain of salt):


This former A- list actress who starred on a now defunct cable show that used initials rather than the real name of the show, confirmed what I told you last week. The tall alliterate model who used to have a relationship with the A+ list singer is now spending time with the Oscar winning/nominated A- list actress. 

Ashley Benson/Karlie Kloss/Taylor Swift/Brie Larson

4 March 2020 Enty blind item (take with a grain of salt):


The B+/B list actress who used to be A- when her hit cable show was still airing, apparently is apologizing to those around her for confirming that the tall alliterate model is hooking up with the Oscar winning/nominated A- list actress. 

Ashley Benson/Karlie Kloss/Brie Larson

19 March 2020 California issues statewide stay at home order:


In a later interview Taylor says she was quarantined in LA


“So when lockdown happened, I was in LA  and we kind of got stuck there. It’s not a terrible place to be stuck. We were there for four months maybe, and during that time, I sent an email to Aaron Dessner and I said, “Do you think you would want to work during this time? Because my brain is all scrambled, and I need to make something, even if we’re just kind of making songs that we don’t know what will happen…”

3 April 2020 Zoe Kravitz posts a scene from high fidelity in which her character lights a joint after a bad breakup:

29 April 2020 Joe Alwyn posts pics of Taylor’s cats, (Taylor is NOT in them) implying they’re quarantining together:

A technique also used with Calvin (see 4/29/15)


Taylor is not pictured

18 May 2020 Zoe posts on IG w/wine looking sad:


(See 7/23/2020)

22 June 2020 Lolawolf (Zoe Kravitz’ band) releases the song Not Diana:


Same vibe as Liz’s song ‘So Easy’ (see  5/27/11)


Brooklyn based trio made up of Zoë Kravitz, Jimmy Giannopoulos, and James Levy. While you may know Zoë from her growing resumé as an actress, her musical aspirations are not as well documented.


Lyrics to ‘Not Diana’

I mean what the fuck/Do you really think of me?/When you look at me/What do you really see?/I mean who the fuck/Do you really think I am?/When you talk to me/Like I'm your friend Diana/I'm not Diana/What the fuck/Do you even really care?/I know you talk a lot/Like you really care/But you're so confusing/I don't know who you are/There's something about you baby/I don't know who you are, like oh/I got caught in the rain/I kept calling/I thought I'd come home/And you would let me in/But I waited four hours/I know you like French girls/But I swept you off your feet/Cause you grabbed me by my wrist/And you kissed me on my tits/I know I'm not Diana/But just come with me/Come away with me/Come away with me/Without you I'm not okay/Without you I'm not okay/I'm gonna do it like this (okay)/Do you ever do it like this (okay)/I'm gonna do it like this (Okay)/(Okay I'm not Diana)/I'm gonna do it like this/What the fuck/Do you really think of me?/When you look at me/What do you really see?/I mean who the fuck/Do you really think I am?/When you talk to me/Like I'm your friend Diana/I'm not Diana/What the fuck/Do you even really care?/You know you act a lot/Like you're really scared/And it's so confusing/I don't know who you are/There's something about you, baby/I don't know who you are, like oh/If you could just give me a minute/I'm leaving the city for business/Line to line yea/Come fly to London/Come fly with me away/Come be with me away/Come stay with me over there/Maybe we can go somewhere/I know I'm not Diana but just come with me/Come away with me/Come away with me/Without you it ain't okay/Without you I'm not okay/Okay, okay, okay, I'm not Diana/I got caught in the rain/I kept calling/I thought I'd come/And you would let me in/But I waited for hours

3 July 2020 An article describes how Cara Delevingne moved in with Taylor for a summer:



Those who are close to Delevingne describe her as a non-famous famous person. She has a knack for making friends easily, with a feminist posse of some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Her Instagram account features frequent appearances from the likes of Rihanna, Ellie Goulding, Kendall Jenner, Rita Ora and Taylor Swift, whom Delevingne says she once moved in with for a summer in New York on a whim.

“Cara is extreme, eccentric, hilarious, loving and deeply loyal,” Swift writes in an email to Variety. “She’s an explorer by nature and is always on the hunt for the next adventure, which makes it a wild ride being her friend. You legitimately never know where the night will take you when she’s around. But while she’s spirited and outgoing, she’s also the person you’ll find in the corner of a party talking to someone she’s just met for hours, just because they’re going through a rough time. She’s deeply curious about others and profoundly sensitive. It’s that mixture of curiosity and sensitivity that I think makes her such a natural at becoming someone else on camera.”


10 July 2020 Lily Donaldson and a group of model friends go on Alshair Fiyaz’ yacht:


(Also 8/6/19)






Also 7/10/20 Karlie posts a video of herself spinning around in the forest in a cardigan:



13 days before folklore was surprise-dropped.


23 July 2020 At 8 AM Taylor astonished everyone (including media and the industry) with a surprise album that would drop in 14 hours:




Also 7/23/2020 Jill Gutowitz, Gaylor on main, writes the Vulture article for folklore.  And as expected, it’s fruity:



Also 7/23/20 Karlie posts a woodsy pic face toward the sun/daylight at 11:47 AM:


23 July 2020 similar to Zoe’s May post, Taylor posts a sad wine pic:

(see 5/18/20)


24 July 2020 at midnight Folklore drops:

(see 7/24/18 for Karlie’s post on her and Josh’s engagement)


The Folklore Album art reminds me of one of Dianna’s photographs from her old tumblr. 

Two of the songs are written by the mysterious William Bowery. 

One of those songs is Betty -- a popular nickname for Elizabeth.

Also 7/24/20:  Liz tweets at Taylor about the 1 because all of Taylor’s exes wanna think that song is about them (and maybe it IS):

3 August 2020 (Karlie’s birthday) Exile became the second single from folklore:


(see 2/6/19)

August 19, 2020 Dianna’s divorce to Winston Marshall is made public:

20 August 2020 Brie Larson posts & Karlie says the (fighting) words, “Your kitchen or mine?”:


20 September 2020 Zoe posts an IG from Taylor’s London house (during quarantine, see 12/10/2020):


22 September 2020 Taylor’s write up about Phoebe Waller-Bridge goes live:

Taylor Swift penned a heartfelt essay about Fleabag star Phoebe Waller-Bridge for Time‘s 100 Most Influential People of 2020 list Tuesday night (Sept. 22). The reason this picture feels so good to see is that before this moment, there were seemingly endless drafts and rewrites and deadlines. There were countless times this writer was up at all hours of the night, not celebrating in the delicious glow of the light bouncing off her golden trophies, but racking her brain to try and stick a literary landing.”

29 October 2020 Karlie’s pregnancy announcement:

1 November 2020 Dianna shares a pic of herself kissing a girl tagged “Megalyn” on Instagram:

17 November 2020 It’s reported that Karlie signed with UTA (leaving Scooter’s company):

see 23 November 2015 for start date w/SBC/Penni


Karlie Kloss Signs With UTA (Exclusive)

Karlie Kloss, the model, digital content creator and philanthropist, has signed with UTA 

for representation.


Plus Icon

NOVEMBER 17, 2020 4:51PM


Kloss will be represented by Darnell Strom, head of UTA’s culture and leadership division. The agency will work with her to expand her portfolio of brand partnerships, philanthropic efforts, film and television work and publishing opportunities. She remains represented by manager Penni Thow at Copper, IMG Models and lawyers Darin Frank at Sloane Offer Weber and Dern and Katy Spillers at Greenberg Glusker.

22 November 2020 Taylor calls Lenny Kravitz’ song the Best Thing She’s Heard all Year:

25 November 2020 Joe Alwyn is revealed to be William Bowery, songwriter extraordinaire:


Taylor Swift is peeling back the curtain a bit in her brand new documentary film, Folklore: The Long Pond Studio Sessions, and revealed that Joe is her mysterious co-writer, William Bowery and she discovered his songwriting skills kind of by chance.

"There’s been a lot of discussion about William Bowery and his identity because it’s not a real person. So, William Bowery is Joe [Alwyn], as we know," she said in the documentary. "Joe plays piano beautifully and he's always just playing and making things up and kind of creating things. And "Exile" was crazy 'cause Joe had written that entire piano part and it was singing the Bon Iver part. He was just signing it the way that the whole first verse is. And so, I was entranced and asked if we could keep writing that one."

She also talked about how Bon Iver got involved in the song. "It was pretty obvious that it should be a duet, 'cause he has such a low voice and it sounded really good sung down there in that register. And then, we're really, really big Bon Iver fans. And, you know, we know that Aaron Dessner knows him. I was too afraid to suggest it." After asking her producer Aaron "who would be great on this?" He had also suggested Bon Iver and got the whole process going.

She also talked about him working on "Betty," which seemed to kickstart their partnership together. "I just heard Joe singing the entire fully formed chorus of "Betty" from another room. And I was just like, 'Hello,'" she said. "It was a step that I would never have taken because why would we have ever written a song together?" 

Producer Jack Antonoff revealed that he initially thought she was joking when she brought it up at first. But Taylor said that she wanted to work with him to see if it would work out. "This was the first time where we had a conversation where I came in and was like 'Hey, this could be really weird and we could hate this, so could we just, because we're in quarantine and there's nothing else going on, could we just try to see what it's like if we write this song together?'"

9 Dec 2020  Taylor took Zoe Kravitz’ photos for NY Times Great Performers article:


…But it’s also the first time the issue has been produced during a pandemic, and with many photos taken remotely of actors and comedians in relative isolation in far-flung locales. That being the case, it’s the first time Taylor Swift probably should have gotten a credit for photo assistant. Yes, that Taylor Swift ended up essentially enacting the remote photo shoot of Zoë Kravitz, on the magazine’s list for her performance in “High Fidelity,” a series from Hulu. The actual photographer, Christopher Anderson, directed Kravitz, and Swift’s camera angles, through his laptop, from his base in Paris. “Zoë was being very strict about it anyway because she’s shooting a movie,” Jake Silverstein, editor in chief of NYT Magazine, said. “And Taylor Swift was in her pod and willing to assist.” The result is an intentionally “dreamy” photo of Kravitz, according to Kathy Ryan, director of photography for the magazine. “We wanted that quality because it’s been such an off year,” Ryan added. “So we went a little more surreal, otherworldly. We’ve all been in an altered reality in some ways.”


Despite being tagged, neither Taylor, nor Zoe acknowledged


10 December 2020 Kathy Ryan, a NYT editor, posted a behind the scenes of the magazine zoë was featured in:


We know this was in taylor swift’s house as they are “in a quarantine pod together” by the man on the computer’s own admission. note the chairs.



Zoe did post this on the day evermore was announced but did NOT tag taylor, her quarantine pod photographer



Also 12/10/20 Zoe posts on Instagram (the day before the surprise drop of evermore/Willow, with it’s Pagen/witchy vibes):

Also 12/10/20 An article said Karlie and Josh are moving to Florida!!!


11 December 2020 Evermore album and Willow music video are released:

12/11/20 Gold Rush is track 3 (August 3rd is Karlie’s birthday) on the album:




Karlie was on a show filmed 10/3/19 where her photo was made with dominos and they knocked them down:






Hair falling like dominos

Also 12/11/20 Champagne Problems was released:


Lily went to the Camden School for Girls, which she has talked about multiple times. 

Located in her hometown of Kentish Town. 



And if right now you're asking yourself (as I did) "Humm I wonder if Lily's school was once a madhouse?" The answer is kind of. Asylum was in the name, at least. 

…The building which opened in 1849 as the Asylum for Aged Governesses. They were servants but genteel, and while most were bound to retire into spinster poverty their gentility made them particularly appealing candidates for upper-class charity. The asylum was funded by the Governesses’ Benevolent Institution… [and] lists over 120 royal and aristocratic patrons. But the haven was very soon disrupted by the Hampstead Junction railway, which announced its plans in 1854 and opened across the other end of our not very long terrace in 1860. And if the Institution had known how rapidly Lord Southampton would lower his sights for his West Kentish Town development they would perhaps have been less beguiled by the ‘sweet air that used to come from Hampstead and Highgate’ and immediately looked elsewhere. Instead the governesses suffered a decade of dirty steam and the disturbance of ‘this once peaceful home with shrill shrieks at all hours of the day and often of the night’ before departing to safely secluded Chislehurst. The Institution sold… and Frances Buss, one of the greatest pioneers of female education, bought the building and its immediate grounds. It initially housed North London Collegiate School (which she had founded in 1850), and then from 1879, and with a large extension, Camden School for Girls (which she had founded in 1871). 


By the time Lily attended, the school had moved to a modern building, but since we know Taylor visited Kentish Town to film End Game, it makes sense Lily told her about her school's history and local legends.

20 December 2020 Zoe posts an interesting caption:


23 December 2020 Zoe files for divorce (it becomes official the next day):


31 December 2020:  Taylor posts herself inside a bear:


Also 12/31/20 Zoe writes a post with “weird” in the caption:



11 February 2021 The Sun reports Taylor and Joe are renting a place in London for quarantine:


…I can reveal the pair are renting a £5.5million pad belonging to a famous British rocker in the north of the capital. A source tells me: “They [Toe] keep things extremely quiet together, and apart from Taylor’s song lyrics nobody ever really knows too much about how well things are going… “They’ve been there for most of lockdown. Taylor doesn’t think jetting around the world is the right thing to be doing. She wants to stick to the rules, and doing that together just made sense for them. “She’s still got her homes in the US too so she hasn’t left there permanently. But this works for now and it’s the first time they’ve really had a place just for the two of them. “They’re actually really normal, they drive around in a really low-key car and just make the odd trip out to go for a walk. “You’d never know one of the world’s biggest superstars was living there.”

19 February 2021 ENews writes a loud article, if you read between the lines they are talking about ZoeTay:


The order of the article is like this:

  • Bad Blood, the video of every hot gal Taylor knows is referenced to say the squad is still alive.
  • Zoe and Taylor are quarantining together.
    • Taylor took pics of Zoe for the NY Times Great Performers issue.
  • Taylor and Zoe have been friends for years.
  • Both Zoe’s and Taylor’s albums were produced by Jack Antonoff.
  • The article brings up the time Lenny Kravitz called Taylor his daughter.
  • Cara Delivigne comes up and so does that pic of Kaylor at VSFS.
  • Next it’s mentioned how Taylor is spending time with Joe?
  • Then a big pic of Zoe (who just so happens to be wearing a rainbow skirt) & her husband.
  • After the rainbow the article brings up that Zoe filed for divorce.
  • Immediately after that it talks about “besties” Taylor and Zoe hanging out together.
    • And wonders if evermore (Taylor’s queerest album to date) is inspired by “Zoe and Karl’s relationship”!!!

3 March 2021 Daily Mail reports Taylor and Joe have been living in London’s Primrose area:

Though Swift largely aimed to keep her relationship with British actor Joe Alwyn under wraps, it was reported that the pair set up camp in an $8.3 million town house in London’s fashionable Primrose Hill neighborhood. It’s unclear whether the singer or the actor owned the property or rented it, though multiple reports pointed to the pair living there together for much of their relationship, which fizzled out at the start of 2023. It should be noted, however, that the couple also reportedly hunkered down at Alwyn’s Crouch End apartment during the early part of the pandemic.

15 March 2021 Taylor gets the Album of the Year Grammy for folklore:



Also 3/15/21 Joe did not attend the Grammy ceremony:

Later Joe also wins a Grammy, as super secret writer and producer, William Bowery.  See 4/26/2021:

3/15/21 Zoe does a congratulations video for the folklore Grammy win:


Who’s the better boyfriend???

Also 3/15/21 Enty Blind Item (take with a grain of salt):


Once the award show date was changed, for sure, the alliterate A/A- list model/fake coder was going to make sure she was induced on that day. She actually had the baby a couple hours before the ceremony but made sure the announcement took place during the ceremony.

 Karlie Kloss/ The Grammy Awards

26 April 2021 Joe is retroactively awarded a Grammy for his stated contributions on folklore:



Eagle eyed Taylor Swift fans noticed that Joe's name has been added to the Folklore win page for Album of the Year as a producer. During the award show, only Jack Antonoff, Aaron Dessner and Taylor Swift were listed as winners.

24 May 2021 Zoe gets a 2nd snake tattoo on her right arm (she got a snake on her left arm 1/17/18):

Zoë Kravitz has an impressive collection of tattoos that's well into the double digits — according to Body Art Guru, she has 55 — and she recently made room for another. The High Fidelity actress added number 56 this past weekend as evidenced by an Instagram photo shared by celebrity tattooer Dr. Woo on May 25. It's an intricate design on her inner right forearm of a snake wrapped around an anatomical human heart. "Thanks for the trust and support all these yearzzz," Dr. Woo captioned a photo of the new ink. It's not clear what the meaning of Kravitz's new tattoo is, but it's not the only snake she has. Back in 2018, she got a coiled snake tattooed on her left forearm nestled between the tattoo of her brother's name, Wolf, and three stars.

26 Aug 2021 Zoe Kravitz’ divorce is finalized:

18 October 2021 Zoe is a collaborator on two of the Midnights songs:

21 October 2021 Taylor posts for Midnights (Zoe, a collaborator,  is in one of the pics):

12 November 2021 Red (Taylor’s Version) released:


Remember this Love ring from 4/23/12?  And after Taylor showed it off there was a randomly wedding-looking event celebrating Shirley McClain’s birthday?


15 November 2021 I Bet You Think About Me TV music video:


Shows a dress, groom, and wedding suspiciously like Karlie’s-


And a part about Karlie-

I bet you think about me in your house/With your organic shoes and your million-dollar couch



Million dollar “couch”?

As well as Through the Looking Glass references-


And a part about Dianna-  

I bet you think about me when you're out/At your cool indie music concerts every week


29 November 2021 Babe TV is released on Emily Poe’s wedding anniversary:


5 December 2021 Taylor writes ‘You’re Losing Me’:


7 December 2021 Enty Blind Items (take with a grain of salt):


The 2021 stick the knife in the back a little deeper continues for the alliterate model. She and the wife of this alliterate A- list singer are now best friends, and she took the members of this family musical group out to dinner. 

Taylor Swift/Karlie Kloss/Sophie Turner/Joe Jonas/“The Jonas Brothers”

3 March 2022 Zoe Kravitz “drank milk from a bowl” to prepare for Catwoman role:

Flashback to CATS movie promo (12/20/19)-


Take the time to watch this vid–I found it hilarious!

6 March 2022: Taylor gushes over Zoe’s Catwoman performance on her IG Stories:

[unrelated, but it also reminds me of the below IG post (Taylor is consistent)]

25 March 22 Taylor and Zoe dance at the pre-Oscars party:


My attempt at editing erased Taylor’s face–but you get the gist here.

18 May 2022 Taylor was honored with an honorary doctorate at NYU's Spring 2022 graduation ceremony:


In the speech, Taylor uses the unique turn of phrase (see 4/8/23)-



June 2022 Taylor, Dianna, and Karlie all attend Tribeca Film Festival:

Sounds juicy, right?!

The festival goes for 11 days and none of the individuals pertinent to our story attended on the same day.

But since I gathered the info here are each of them (not interacting in any way with each other) going to the fest.

5 June 2022 Karlie goes to opening night of Tribeca Film Fest:

10 June 2022 A week after Karlie, Dianna attends Tribeca Film Fest for the Acidman premiere:


11 June 2022 The day after Dianna went, Taylor attends Tribeca film festival to screen All Too Well short film:


Taylor Swift, 32, looked as happy as could be during her latest fun outing! The singer showed up to a Q& A event at the Tribeca Film Festival, where she’s talking about and screening her short film All Too Well, on June 11, and showed off a fashionable outfit, which included a black pinstripe vest, matching pants, and a dark red heels. 

13 June 2022 two days after the ATW Q&A, Dianna attends Tribeca Film Fest Chanel Arts Dinner at Balthazar:

22 June 2022 Page Six reports Joe and Taylor are kissing:

Rare photos of the “Cruel Summer” singer and English actor kissing were obtained by Page Six, showing the couple in the water and the trailer in the background. Swift wore a black bikini and pulled her blond hair back into a low bun, while her actor beau rocked a pair of blue swimming trunks.

The two, who have been dating since 2016, have been intentional in keeping their relationship hidden from the public. Rumors they were secretly engaged have not been confirmed, and Alwyn revealed earlier this year that he plans on keeping it that way. “If I had a pound for every time I think I’ve been told I’ve been engaged, then I’d have a lot of pound coins,” he told the Wall Street Journal in April. “I mean, the truth is, if the answer was yes, I wouldn’t say, and if the answer was no, I wouldn’t say.”

23 June 2022 Taylor borrowed Lenny Kravitz’ trailer for the Toe kissing pics (hello Zoe connection):



3 August 2022 Brie Larson wishes Karlie a happy birthday:

13 August 2022 Cara Delevingne later says her 30th birthday was a low point:

As a last hurrah for her 20s, Delevingne planned a blowout Alice in Wonderland–themed birthday party, the crescendo to a three-week-long vacation in Ibiza. “I told myself, I should be having such a good time. I’ve got all my friends here. I need to be enjoying this. The house I was staying in had a tower and I would just kind of lock myself in it instead. I barely left the room.” She describes the feeling of foreboding as like “a slowly beating drum inside.” “There was this need for change, but I was fighting it so much. I was welcoming in this new time but I was also grieving. It was like a funeral for my previous life, a goodbye to an era. And so I decided I was going to party as hard as I could because this was the end.”

7 October 2022 Taylor reveals Track 1 on Midnights Mayhem with Me (LavenderGate):

"Track one is called 'Lavender Haze,' " the singer announced — but the mayhem didn't stop there. Following this announcement, [Taylor] …took to Instagram, where she shared a reel explaining the inspiration behind Midnights' opening song:

"I happened upon the phrase 'Lavender Haze' when I was watching Mad Men, and I looked it up because I thought it sounded cool," Swift said in the post. "And it turns out that it's a common phrase used in the '50s, where they would just describe being in love." She then explained, "If you were in the lavender haze, then that meant that you were in that all-encompassing love glow, and I thought that was really beautiful."

"I think a lot of people have to deal with this now, not just like 'public figures,' because we live in the era of social media," she explained. "And if the world finds out that you're in love with somebody, they're gonna weigh in on it." "Like my relationship for six years, we've had to dodge weird rumors, tabloid stuff, and we just ignore it,” Swift said. "And so this song is sort of about the act of ignoring that stuff to protect the real stuff."

See my thoughts about this appropriation, the significance of lavender to the LGBTQ community, and the ensuing bullying Swifties unleashed on Gaylors in particular:

15 November 2022 Zoe’s GQ article mentions Taylor Swift:


(see live interview on same topic on 11/18/22)


Landing The Batman helped pacify those nagging feelings of insecurity. Filming in London, however, was another challenge. It was an intense shoot, during the long, lonely days early in the pandemic. She had one familiar face nearby: Taylor Swift, who was there spending lockdown with her British boyfriend, Joe Alwyn.

“She was my pod,” Kravitz says. “She was a very important part of being in London, just having a friend that I could see and that would make me home-cooked meals and dinner on my birthday.” Swift wrote to me in an email: “Zoë’s sense of self is what makes her such an exciting artist, and such an incredible friend. 


In an email Taylor further responded:

16 November 2022 articles are published talking about Zoe being in Taylor’s quarantine pod in London:

18 November 2022 Zoe is asked about Taylor at GQ's Men of the Year Party:


Zoe Kravitz, honored as one of GQ's Men of the Year, is opening up about her friendship with Taylor Swift. She worked with the singer on Midnights, and exclusively told Access Hollywood about their close relationship at. "She's a very good friend of mine and I am very proud of this album. She's done incredible work," she said. "She's one of the best cooks I know."


[My note:  As soon as Taylor is brought up Zoe, starts moving away from the interviewer]

3 August 2023 Suki Waterhouse reads Taylor’s statement on her music:

18 October 2023 Taylor Swift releases a  live version of “Cruel Summer” (on Karlie and Josh’s wedding anniversary):

(see 10/18/18)

20 October 2023 Selena, Taylor, and Zoe get Sushi:


22 October 22 Midnights & 3AM are released:


Zoe has writing credits on 2 songs-

25 October 2022 Bejeweled music video has a picture of Zoe as part of the acknowledgement of co-writers and Taylor’s makeup artist:


27 January 2023 Taylor released the Lavender Haze music video on Lily’s birthday:

Some things I noticed in the video:

Taylor wore the fuzzy lavender jacket that she had worn in the End Game music video which was filmed partly in Lily’s birth town (see 1/11/18).

Niceboy Ed video has a Kentish Town sign-


Who is Niceboy Ed and how does he relate to Taylor, you ask?


Niceboy Ed is a music artist who blew up when Swift used a song of his in a TikTok video showing the behind-the-scenes when making of her recent hit album Midnights.  When Swifties searched Niceboy Ed up after Swift used his song, they noted how there was little information out there about the singer with the only photos out there appearing to be him as a child that have been used as cover art for his song.

Now he's back as many have noticed 10 blank Polaroid pictures on the musician's page and according to fans who have joined his mailing list some of the photos have been unlocked. Polaroids are associated with Swift's '1989' album where the album cover features a Polaroid photo of a partially cropped Swift.

Meanwhile, a particular pale blue colour has been posted all over his website and social media accounts is a colour that is also associated with '1989,' since that's the shade used to symbolise the fifth album on Swift's Eras tour and her recent '1989' merch was also a pale blue too. This has led to fans to describe his connection to Swift as "suspicious" and have theorised who he is:

Theories of his identity range from Swift's actor boyfriend Joe Alwyn who has proved his musical credentials by collaborating with Swift previously on her folklore and evermore albums under the pseudonym William Bowery, as well as having blond hair like the young boy in Niceboy Ed's cover art.

Others believe the mysterious singer is Alywn's best friend who is called Ed and is part of his longtime friend group, the “Frosty Crew,” whom Swift is also allegedly cool with, Vulture reported.

Swift's brother Austin Swift is also another possibility since he allegedly covered his sister's songLook What You Made Me Do back in 2020 under the fake alternative rock/indie band thought to be made by the Swift siblings and Jack Antonoff called Jack Leopards & The Dolphin Club.

Some believe it could even be Swift herself and that the Anti-Hero singer has warped her voice to create a new sound.

Or maybe Swift just decided to use a Niceboy Ed's song because she liked it and we've all gone down the Easter Egg rabbit hole when he may actually be an individual artist.

February 2023 “an insider” reveals Taylor and Joe split up:



8 March 2023 Cara Delevingne checks herself into rehab:


17 March 2023 Taylor interacts with the cheerleader during the Eras Tour:

One of the most notable Swiftgron moments of the Eras Tour happens during LWYMMD when Taylor approaches one of her many selves in glass closets, the cheerleader from Shake It Off, slaps her ass, and then presses her hand against the cheerleader’s hand through the glass. 

And a Kaylor moment when she walks down a checkerboard runway holding hands with a guy, mirroring the VSFS walk.(It’s worth noting that checkerboard floors appeared in ME! And IBYTAM and are common in Wonderland)


22 March 2023 An article talking about Taylor and Joe doing great comes out:


This article appears just weeks before it’s announced that they’ve been broken up.

27 March 23 Lenny Kravitz teases Taylor at iHeartRadio Music Awards:

Fans saw Lenny call her name while the two passed each other backstage. As the musicians met, he said, "OK, you went in my closet," he complimented Taylor as she showed off her awards show outfit. "Yeah, I was just inspired by you. It's my favorite color," she responded.

28 March 2023 Lenny Kravitz calls Taylor “family” on Twitter:





31 March 2023 Taylor switches Invisible String for The 1 on her Eras Tour setlist:


8 April 2023 Toe breakup announced (on Matty Healy’s birthday):


Article 1-




Article 2-


This is also National “Catch and Release Day” (remember Taylor’s commencement speech? See (5/18/22)


21 April 2023 Taylor is papped in NYC with HAIM, Blake Lively and Ashley Avignone:


Taylor’s friends mass unfollow Joe on Instagram-


1 May 2023 Karlie announces her second pregnancy at the Met Gala:


3 May 2023 The Sun announces Taylor is dating Matty Healy, the singer for 1975:

24 May 2023 Taylor in the recording studio with Zoe, Jack & Matty:


Also 5/24/23 Zoe and Taylor and Margaret go to dinner:


6 June 2023 TMZ reports the Taylor and Matty breakup:


Also 6/6/23 Articles claiming Joe is “fuming” over Taylor giving him the “Harry Styles treatment” come out:



By Web Desk

June 06, 2023

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Joe Alwyn is allegedly enraged over his ex Taylor Swift’s hypocrisy for using their six-year relationship to continue her legacy of writing breakup songs. The Stars at Noon actor was reportedly under the impression that the Anti-Hero hitmaker would never give him “the Harry Styles treatment,” an insider told Radar Online. However, when the superstar dropped her new song You’re Losing Me! in which she seemingly chronicles their breakup, Alwyn took it as deception from the singer… “It may have been delusional, but Joe was under the impression she’d spare him the Harry Styles treatment,” the insider said referring to Swift’s breakup anthem I Knew You Were Trouble. “Joe finds it very embarrassing and disappointing — especially when she’s flaunting this tacky new romance. The hypocrisy and sheer rudeness of it all is off the charts,” the insider added. “He’s not the type to kiss and tell, but he’s not a pushover either. He’s respectfully asking her to let him move on — and shut up!” In the song, Swift croons, “My heart won’t start anymore for you ‘cause you’re losing me,” before singing about their romance, “You don’t know what you got until it’s gone.”

13 July 2023 Josh Kushner posts the 2nd baby’s birthdate (7/11/23):


26 July 2023 Travis attempts to give Taylor a bracelet with his number when he attended the Eras Tour:


3 August 2023 Karlie turns 30.

9 August 2023 Taylor performs the final show in Inglewood, CA and Karlie attends the show with a group of friends:


30 days after giving birth to her second child Karlie attends the Eras tour with model Marianne Fonseca and Misha Nonoo.



Reacting to Karlie's presence, one fan wrote: "When you had better seats at the eras tour than karlie kloss and you just have to laugh," while another said, "Taylor has the opportunity to do the funniest thing tonight and sing I forgot that you existed and it’s time to go as the surprise songs." Another fan said, "No VIP tent for her," which referred to the many celebrities that attend Taylor Swift concerts in a tent located nearby the stage. A comment read, "This is so embarrassing for her though." Another said, "The way no one even wants to say hi or give her friendship bracelets..."


The surprise songs were “New Romantics” and “New Year’s Day” and Taylor also dropped the news of her re-recorded release of 1989. 


For the first time all tour (and maybe any tour), Taylor doesn’t make a post thanking LA for having her. 

19 August 2023 Taylor attends Jack’s rehearsal dinner w/Cara Delevigne, Zoe Kravitz, Channing Tatum:


Many of the couple’s famous pals were invited to celebrate their wedding weekend. Stars including Lana Del Rey, Channing Tatum, Zoë Kravitz, Cara Delevingne, Mae Whitman, Sarah Ramos and Taylor Swift — who frequently collaborates with Antonoff — also stepped out for the Friday bash. Swift’s appearance, of which she wore a black two-piece from Hill House, caused a frenzy outside the venue.




Note that Zoe is holding Taylor’s arm while Channing Tatum is walking beside-


21 August 2023 Taylor and Cara Delevingne leave nightclub at 1:20 AM:



Here’s the other half of the pic (on left)  that didn’t make the article-


12 September 2023 Taylor and group goes to Emilio’s Ballatello (Zoe is named in every article, but lurking):



19 September 2023 Zoe is with the Bejeweled group for dinner:



24 September 2023 Taylor attends her first KC Chiefs game:



25 September 2023 TMZ reports that Taylor and Travis left the KC Chiefs game in Travis’ car:



23 October 2023 The media notices Taylor’s tendency to twin:


For more twinning see (July 2012; 7/25/12; 2/5/15; 1/31/20)

P.S. I’m not saying Taylor was involved w/Kate–just that she has a tendency to style-copycat.

P.P.S. I guess Taylor is still dressing like a princess.  Just a more modern day one…





And one more recent one-

25 October 2023 Travis wears a seagull sweater when they are seen holding hands for the first time at SNL:




Unsurprisingly, many people were shocked and angry about their work and the couple was quickly met with huge amounts of backlash. If widely accepted, this discovery could overturn the belief held by many religious conservatives that homosexuality was unnatural. Many scientists were also questioning their research because there seemed to be no clear benefits of homosexual behaviors for the population from an evolutionary perspective. Newspapers released numerous articles criticizing the couple’s research as a waste of tax money. Some people questioned their credibility as scientists, believing that they were using their research to promote a political agenda rather than accurately reporting their findings. Even the Congress got involved. During a 1978 hearing, the Congress threatened to cut funding for the National Science Foundation if they kept supporting research into these seagulls.

3 November 2023 Cara Delevingne visits Taylor at 1 AM:


9 November 2023 Lily Donaldson attends Eras at Argentina:

21 November 2023 Julianne Hough wears a hooded gown similar to the one Taylor wore at iHeart:



2 December 2023 Taylor hands Zoe the cake at Zoe’s birthday party:


6 December 2023 Taylor retrofits her start date with Travis Kelce:


10 December 2023 Taylor and friends papped in New York, Zoe is noticeably trying to remain on the DL:


Zoe is the one in the blue hat looking down-

15 December 2023 Taylor celebrates her birthday, Zoe holds her cake at the party:

11 January 2024 Taylor Swift, Blake Lively and Zoe Kravitz Enjoy A Girls Night Out Together At Lucali Pizza In N.Y.:



[My note:  I can’t decide if Zoe is too cool to pander for the cameras, or if she’s trying to remain on the D.L., but I’m noticing she tends to be reserved in all of these photo-ops. Zoe exited the restaurant and wasn’t pictured with Taylor.]


24 January 2024 Taylor, Cara Delevingne, and Brittany go to Nobu:


27 March 2024 Travis wears a rainbow snowsuit:




12 May 2024 An article reiterates fan theories that the choreo during ‘So High School’ at the Eras Tour mimics Taylor’s reactions during Chiefs FB games:



Swift’s fans have since pointed out that the dancers’ poses all corresponded to different reactions that the pop star had while attending Kelce’s Kansas City Chiefs NFL games this past season. According to a fan-made graphic circulating on X, each performer appeared to take on a different pose of Swift’s. One dancer down in front was seen pointing directly ahead and it has been presumed that she was mimicking Swift pointing at Kelce at February's Super Bowl. Another dancer leaned forward, resting a hand on his chin. Swift had done the same at a 2023 Chiefs vs. Packers away game. Every Apparent Reference Taylor Swift Made to Travis Kelce During ‘Eras Tour’ European Leg. Other fans pointed out that two of Swift’s dancers even appeared to hug, much like how she embraced Brittany Mahomes (the wife of Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes) at multiple home games in the fall.


16 May 2024 Taylor and Travis enjoy a romantic dinner:



It’s giving Blank Space-



18 May 2024 Taylor and Travis take a boat ride:




31 May 2024 Taylor Swift flies from Spain to London to see Cara Delevingne in her final production of Cabaret:


Note that this article is under “couples” and notes immediately “without Travis”-


Taylor Swift was apparently ~wandering the London streets~ after she wrapped her Eras tour shows in Spain, as the pop star reportedly jetted to the U.K. to quietly support close pal Cara Delevingne in the West End production of Cabaret. Arthur Jones, head of marketing at Playhouse Theater’s Kit Kat Club, where Cabaret is held, responded to a fan on X who heard a rumor about Taylor, 34, flying into London to see Cara, 31, take the stage on May 31. “Taylor Swift?? Was supporting Cara Delevingne?? At Cabaret?? TONIGHT??!!” the fan wrote, to which Arthur responded, “Can confirm. A special night.”


18 June 2024 Taylor helps small business in Kentish Town (where Lily is from):



She is wearing the Lavender Haze fuzzy coat…


***posted on blog to here***

20 June 2024

21 June 2024 Taylor covers her mouth & looks into the camera after Champagne Problems:

23 June 2024 Travis Kelce joins Taylor onstage in London during the Eras Tour:


(between ‘The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived’ and ‘I Can Do It With a Broken Heart’)


Taylor was shot at the end of the last song-



Taylor is still dead, but they’re trying to prepare her for another performance-



Desperately trying to stand her up, even though she keeps flopping-



These men are persistent and demanding she get up-



Travis looks a bit menacing-



Travis applies her makeup-


Travis puts makeup on HIS BEARD-



Taylor is still frowning and floppy and hasn’t animated, while the men remove her clothes-


Travis does a comedic jig-



The men are putting Taylor in heels, while Travis approves-



There is a ‘hup two’ clap from Travis-




The men goad a deary Taylor on-



Taylor looks unhappy and unenthusiastic-



Travis gives Taylor a ‘chin up’



The men physically push Taylor out on stage-



The men tell Taylor to smile-


Taylor doesn’t want to go-



Taylor turns it on for ‘I Can do it with a Broken Heart’-



The men are thrilled she’s performing-



The men give each other props for getting Taylor to perform despite her reluctance- 


9 July 2024 A Reddit Gaylor asks Taylor for a sign:


10 July 2024 Gaylors post during the concert:


Also 7/10/24 Taylor very intentionally touches (she doesn’t scratch or wipe) her nose for 5-7 seconds:


Also 7/10/24 TaylorNation posts on Twitter(X):

17 August 2024 Channing Tatum talks about Taylor’s cooking:

[I’m assuming the ‘we’ he mentions is himself and Zoe]



“What’s beautiful and also frustrating, [Taylor Swift] can also just cook like a random, three-star Michelin Italian meal,” Tatum said. “She’ll be like, ‘What do we want to eat tonight? Give me a genre.’ And all of a sudden we’ll be like, ‘Italian.’ And then she’ll just whip out a risotto.”

22 August 2024 Zoe Kravitz revealed how Taylor likes to unwind on Jimmy Fallon:

23 August 2004 Taylor gives Zoe’s directorial debut a shout out on her IG:


25 August 2024 Taylor and Travis throw a party at her Rhode Island house and Zoe Kravitz is one of the guests:



8 September 2024 Taylor and Karlie are proven to be in the same (small) room:




It was a small affair-

11 September 2024 Karlie likes an Instagram post from Taylor after more than 4 years of no interaction:

(see 10/29/2019)



Also 9/11/24 Zoe Kravitz and Taylor Swift are at the VMA afterparty at Electric Lady Studios:



